Bucks County Judge, Maggie Snow, called Janet Gingerich Stephenson the most vindictive person she even dealt
with in January of 1996 for an ARD herring involving her husband James. Janet, along with her other four children and Activist
Network have been allowed to commit serious crimes involving children and even attempted murder of her eldest son Jim and
her husband James! By purposely exposing James and Jim to extreme danger while enslaving Jim and exposing Jim to extreme harassment,
mental abuse and physical abuse while both were often illegally drugged both men and the innocent public were at great
risk! Other family members in the house were barricaded upstairs with weapons and vicious dogs that were kept as early alert
warning systems and an aggressive deterrent. Jim is very nonviolent and very brave and prayed daily to have the strength
to survive his enslavement, severe sleep deprivation and extreme pain without retaliating with physical violence
even when attacked or having his life verbally threatened consistently! Jim was purposely kept in an open area that was less
that 10 by 10 with continually traffic, zero privacy and constant loud noise! Jim is a legally ordained Minister and God and
Jesus have been with him throughout the Conspiracy (started in 1963) saving him countless times and giving him the strength
to peacefully endure! Jim is the witness (purposely shown massive corruption) to many of her crimes involving Ruthless
Lawyers, Judges, Activists, Politicians and especially Doctors (motive for FALSE medical smears) that steal
massive amounts of money in the Robin Hood Conspiracy! The Activists are helping her with her personal vendetta because they
are receiving a small portion of the thefts plus they get off on hurting MEN. You can not believe anything they say. Janet
and her Lawyer Groff kept sending zero balance bank statements to James playing poor. During a Court Herring she later
admitted she had almost $200,000 in the bank. They play poor and hide money with other family members. See profiles below:
The original Conspiracy was formed around 1964 by Mayor Gingerich
to prevent his son-in-law, James W. Stephenson, from leaving his daughter Janet. The Conspiracy was later expanded to force
James to reunite after he separated and fled to Seattle because of HARASSMENT (POLICE, FIRE, PI's and ACTIVISTS). POWERFUL
Mayor Gingerich was able to force James to reunite from over 2,300 miles away because of his powerful connections! BELIEVE
After Janet was SCORNED, she and her ruthless Aunt Inez decided
to retaliate and corrupt, smear and destroy James, son Jim, son Mark and Janet's Archenemy and Mother-in-Law Mary Stephenson.
Janet started a family feud in 1958 by accusing Mary of stealing her infant son Jim away from her. Both women were grooming
baby Jim as there caretaker and fought over him for five or six years. Janet blamed Mary for destroying her marriage in retaliation
over baby Jim. Inez and Janet purposely tried to corrupt and destroy her two eldest children because she thought that they
would testify against her in her planned divorce. In fact, the Conspirators corrupt everybody they can that is involved
so they can not testify against them. All of Janet's children have been corrupted to very different degrees so they can not
testify against the Conspirators without being destroyed. This is how ruthless Lawyers work, using the MAD (Mutually Assured
Destruction) Methodology.
Janet and Inez purposely exposed Jim and Mark to sexual material,
movies and books at a very young age. Janet had both Jim and Mark sexually assaulted, abused and even raped (BOTH BOYS) to
try to make them sexual deviates. Jim was not raped until he was 19 but according to Janet, Mark was raped at 12. Jim
thinks that both boys were sexually assaulted by the age of six by young females Janet used and manipulated. They
corrupted many assigned friends and classmates, especially with minors and young women in the states of Washington, Delaware
and Florida, Believe It! When the corruption did not make them sexual deviates, they started the severe smear campaign
in 1972 at AI DuPont where many students were severely corrupted. Abused kids associated with the Hockessin Vol FD (HVFD)
brought in BONDAGE and Porn magazines designed to corrupt and smear Jim at the age of fifteen. These magazines were passed
around at school and many students were severely corrupted, including All-American type children. Some proof is in the
1975 AI year book, coded as going to see movies (PORN). At Sanford, Jim was drugged and sexually assaulted four times in the
last month of school. One was by a sixteen year old Black Cheerleader that was manipulated into an attempted rape
of Jim with the help of his involved classmates! This was a racial hate crime designed to pit Jim against the Irish dominated
Police, Family and the KKK in Lakeland, FL where Jim was forced to go to College, Believe It! Jim was drugged and raped
by all four women he has had intercourse with on the first occasion. Jim has been severely sexually assaulted many times
while drugged but has been able to fight off several attempted rapes since May of 1976! Jim is sexually assaulted and harassed
in public and at his places of employment but when he reports these incidents they are ignored. PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE THE
Root Conspirator (1963/64 to 1967):
A. Powerful Mayor Edward C. Gingerich.
1. Mayor of Cheviot, OH for 26 years.
2. Municipal Judge-Knew most ruthless Lawyers.
3. Supervisor to Police and Fire Chiefs.
4. President of Ohio Mayors Association.
5. In the Electoral College. 6. Honored at NFL game 5 years after he died. 7. Knew JFK, LBJ, RFK, FDR, etc. plus recruited and helped recently
retired politicians that OWED HIM and his connections including Senator John Glenn when he was an Astronaut
in the mid 1960's! JOHN GLENN WAS AT ROCKSTAR STATUS EQUAL TO THE BEATLES and JOHN GLENN would call my Grandpa and we
would all gather around the phone to hear the Mayor advise and recruit him! This is only one example of the Mayors powerful
connections! The Mayors son Tom (A Democratic Party Boss in Hamilton County) and his ruthless sister Inez (On the
Cheviot, OH City Council) kept the Mayors political connections well after his death in July of 1967! Inez made several large
Campaign Contributions to the very small Democratic Party in Delaware and my brother Mark was appointed to West Point soon
after the donations! In fact James says that those donation have allowed three family members to Graduate/Attend
West Point which was worth 1.3 Million in todays money (2014)! That is how the REAL SYSTEM works in Politics in most areas
of the USA from what Jim has seen nationwide! 8 The Mayor got four family
members Teaching in Cincinnati because he had connections to the Teachers Union in the Democratic Party! In fact he brought
is ruthless sister Inez back from Enid OK where she attained the level of Assistant Superintendent and place her
in the very same school that James taught in in Cincinnati to spy on him! Inez had her Protégé (Mr. Wagner I think) from Enid,
OK hired in Upper Moreland (UM) Schools (Willow Grove, PA) where she later had James hired! Believe it! It gets much worse
because Upper Moreland is closely aligned with Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH) and UM sold the old school James was
Principal at (NWG) to AMH for a fraction of the worth! It gets way worse Jim was hired at AMH and severely abused at
AMH for over 5 years! On top of that UM Parks holds a major fund raiser for AMH at Masons Mill Park where Jim was made to
work at after his freshman year at FL Southern College (FSC) in 1977! It gets way worse because FSC is the largest collection
of Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) architecture in the world and the Synagogue in nearby Jenkintown was built by FLW and many UM
and FSC Teachers would visit each other! It gets even worse because when Jim was placed in the Orlando Police Department (OPD)
in 1989 one of the System Analysts incharge was from CB West and was a key Teachers Union figure that got Central Bucks the
highest pay rate for teachers in the USA around 1980 and his daughter was sent to FSC for his help falsely smearing Jim! The
Teachers Union is strongly influenced by Union Members in the Bucks and Eastern Montgomery areas because they have some of
the highest paid teachers in the Nation! In fact where Jim took College Classes at Bucks County CC in Newtown, PA the local
school district Counsel Rock is/was the highest paid teachers in the nation! The Teachers Union is highly influential
in the areas where Jim and James were forced to live! IT GETS MUCH WORSE because the UM Mafia (what Jim calls them) claim
to have control/influence over many powerful politicians and even arranged a UM educated teacher/professor to a very
powerful Politician and Jim 100% believes them because these female activists have arranged ALL of the marriages to Jims
siblings and to Jim and maybe his two most involved cousins! All are married to children of involved groups!!! They gets
spouses/sexual partners to manipulate victims and powerful Politicians, Judges, etc... Believe it, even the best Law
Enforcement Agencies in the world fall victim like the recent elite Secrete Service sex scandal! NOW laughs at men calling
them weak willed and that is why Jim has been celibate for 20 YEARS on Oct. 15th, 2015! Kids are more important than sex and
Jim will never sell the kids out because they are being destroyed and endangered in schools where they should be safe! Female
dominated industries favor the male in 99.9% of the cases and Jim worked in Family Courts and they are destroying families
at will! Jim had the best Child Support Application implementation and conversion out of 69 FL State County Clerk of
Court Offices and he worked with many other offices and find out the REAL SITUATION! Read the latest book by female Phyllis
Schfaley that exposes the real situation in the family courts and how they are destroying the institution of the family!
Jim found this out in 1993 and quickly became a victim of it! Get her book on Amazon for more information!
Root Conspirator (1967 to the Present):
A. Janet Gingerich Stephenson.
1. Daughter of Mayor
Edward Gingerich.
2. Strong Connection to Powerful people.
A. Aunt Inez was a City
1. Powerful Lesbian Activist.
Powerful Teacher Union Member.
B. Brother Tom was a powerful
C. Worked at Social Security
in Phila.
1. Defrauded Soc Sec with false disability cases.
D. Worked at Social Services
in Del.
1. Used poor children in Del.
E. Hired A Woman's Place Lawyers.
3. Corrupted many minor children.
A. Sexually, including
rape using other people.
B. Tried to corrupt all
her children.
Can not testify against her.
Son Jim was least corrupted but most smeared.
C. Classmates of her children
and grandchildren.
1. Most of which were children of Activists.
D. Many of her Grandchildren.
E. Many nieces and nephews.
F. Children of Activists.