MadDogsUSA Detailed Conspiracy
More Detailed Version of the Conspiracy |
Help Severely Corrupted & Endangered Minors & Good
Men from Destruction by Activists! 3/22/2014 Ruthless Lawyers,
Private Investigators (PIs) and Activists are corrupting (including sexually)
and severely endangering minors, the mentally handicapped, and young adults!
These Organized Criminals that are posing as Lawyers are also corrupting many areas
of the Government (Courts, Law Enforcement, etc.) for a share of money stolen
from fraudulent court cases! These organized criminal groups include radical
elements of left wing and right wing activist groups that are united by
ruthless Lawyers in the Medical Mafia and they manipulate and corrupt the very
best people in the world including Clergy, Judges, Prosecutors, Educators, and
Law Enforcement using setups, behavior modifying drugs, manipulation, money, etc.
Once these organized criminals, posing as Lawyers, successfully corrupt a
victim, they use them to steal money out of the system without fear of
prosecution! They can corrupt anybody because they are clever master
manipulators, use behavior modifying drugs, use choreograph setups to smear
victims and are so powerful that they obstruct justice at will! They create
vile hate crimes falsely pitting whistle blowing victims against various
ethnic, racial, gender, sexual orientation, and religious groups to smear,
harass, punish, obstruct, discredit and injure the whistle blower victim. They
unite criminals from all organized groups and strange bed fellows steal
together including Rednecks (many are KKK) and the Jewish Mafia, the Irish
Mafia and English citizens in the UK, LGBT activists and Conservative Christian
Criminals, radical left wing activists and radical right wing activists, etc.
Believe it! The problem is that they get radical female Activists to use their
children to commit frauds, sex crimes (against other minors they want to
control and use but often against good Men to smear and control them), and to
destroy good men usually while the male and minors are illegally drugged
designed to smear the male as violent and abusive! The Medical Mafia
manipulates and corrupts female dominated groups like Teachers, Social Workers,
Nurses, etc. making radical and sympatric members severely corrupt and endanger
the children that they are entrusted to protect and corrupted Police often turn
a blind eye, even when their own children are being endangered and corrupted! In one extreme case that we call the Robin
Hood Conspiracy the destruction has been going on for over fifty years with no
end in sight as a wealthy child corruptor criminal and her Lawyers manipulate
and corrupt Law Enforcement and the involved activist groups at will! They
often smear men as violent by illegally drugging them with behavior modifying
drugs, including amphetamines while falsely smearing them as violent and
abusive by applying makeup on children and women to build a fraudulent smear
file! They also illegally drug and rape men to smear them as unfaithful and
unleash the hate activist groups on them while justice is obstructed! Man
hatting females (usually scorned, abandoned, abused and/or Bull Lesbians (not usually
Lipstick Lesbians or Bisexual females)) fan the flames of hate and get other
activists to smear, harass and even injure the innocent male victim while Law
Enforcement refuse to protect the falsely smeared male victim! They are so
hateful and corrupt and they endanger so many minors in the process and many
minors have been seriously injured over a 50 year period and they are still
endangering them to smear victims in 2014 more than ever! Just study the case
we call the Robin Hood Conspiracy and force the Criminal Justice System to
protect the public that they are sworn to protect and to stop the hate and
destruction by out of control Activists! These Lawyers and Activists use minors
to damage property in insurance frauds while funneling some of the settlement
money back to the activist communities! In one case they made involved children
dig up a golf green in 1975 causing over$100,000 of damage on a green that was
scheduled to be remodeled and that is how it is done folks! Desperate people do
desperate things and desperate abandoned females often use their kids to commit
destructive and sexual crimes after being severely pressured by radical
activists controlled by Lawyers that manipulate and corrupt the very best
people for a living! The Robin Hood
Conspiracy started in 1963 by Janet Gingerich Stephenson and her powerful
father Edward C. Gingerich who was a Mayor and Municipal Judge (simultaneously)
in Cheviot, Ohio (just west of Cincinnati) for 26 years! The Mayor was a 32
degree Mason, President of the Mayors Association of Ohio, in the Electoral
College (really votes for the President) and was a very connected Democratic
Politician (Dixiecrat) who knew many Presidents (FDR to LBJ), Congressman and
Senators, including John Glenn who he recruited and who called him at his house
in the 1960’s frequently. He was the direct supervisor to the Police Chief
(Elmer Zoller) and Fire Chief and used his Police force and the national Police
Network to investigate, smear, harass, and intimidate his son-in-law James
(James W. Stephenson (father of author/victim Jim (James E. Stephenson)) when James
wanted a divorce from his daughter Janet Gingerich Stephenson between 1963 to
1967! James fled to Seattle around 1966 only because Juneau Alaska schools
rejected his application! Seattle is as far away from Ohio as you can get in
the continental USA which was no coincidence because of the severe harassment
which son Jim is still enduring to this very day which is life threatening when
the Lawyers have made attempts on Jim’s life, while making it look accidental, starting
in late 1998 after a Ten Million Dollar Head Injury Fraudulent Case was stolen
in NYC Federal Court! The last major attempt on Jim’s life was in August of
2013 when professional Private Investigators (PIs) sabotaged his bike brakes on
his brand new bike that Jim just inspected and tested that he used to ride down
the very steep hill to the Chalfont, PA train station! They tamper with his
vehicles and make him drive long distances often while illegally drugged and/or
purposely deprived of sleep since 1998! Believe it, they have committed such
vile crimes against children for over 50 years and many people are still alive
and able to provide testimony and be polygraphed so Jim is a Whistling Blowing
threat that needs to be eliminated and/or discredited! Jim’s sick mother
Janet and her ruthless Aunt Inez (Educator, Female/LGBT Activist and City
Councilwoman of Cheviot, OH) continued the destruction after James reunited the
family around June of 1967 and the Mayor died in July of 1967! These two
destructive, vindictive and criminally repulsive women went on to corrupt the
entire family and corrupt most of the prepubescent minors in the extended
family to vilify James and to be able to control and manipulate the children
(now adults) by revealing their sins should any dare cross them! This technique
is called MAD for Mutually Assured Destruction and is used to control very
powerful people including Politicians, Judges, Doctors, Clergy and victims of
these powerful organized criminals posing as Lawyers! This is what several
members of Jim’s maternal grandpa’s family have done to control their victims
and not just members of the family but political and personal foes too! Several
of Jim’s nieces and nephews are being severely corrupted, endangered and
controlled in a similar fashion, especially his two nieces that lived in Bucks
County, PA between 2008 and 8/4/2013 and they are doomed to stuffer the same
fate as many family victims have (drug addicts, salves forced to care for
elderly criminals in the family, sexual deviates often made to rape and smear male
victims, having babies as a minor, criminal medical fraud artists, etc.) because
the authorities refused to step in including the Bucks DA, WTPD Police, Mill
Creek School Nurse around 3/2011, Educators (CB South) around 10/2011, FBI from
10/1997 to 2014, Child Protective Services and Activists despite evidence with
pictures of the filthiest house you ever saw and that 3 Warrington Township PD
(WTPD) Officers witnessed between Mother’s Day in 2011 and late 2013! The DA,
WTPD and Child Protective Services refused to investigate many times despite
picture evidence because they get funding for their support groups from the Lawyers
in the Medical Mafia that protect the severe child abusing and endangering members
of the family! These criminals corrupt
normally decent Activists, including the sick English Witch and former UK
Teacher that lives next door to Jim and who purposely exposed her breasts to
Jim in 2012 while Jim was trapped in his father’s car as planned and choreographed!
This English Witch severely endangers and uses her youngest daughter in pedophile
sex smears making her dress up in a bikini and being flirtatious with Jim for
photo ops and intimidation since 2012! The nice little girl, who was around four
or five when this started, is sometimes seriously endangered by the rock
throwing riding mower while Jim cuts grass! Thank God that this Female Hate
Activist did not use her older and more developed daughter between the ages of
around 10 to 15 which shows an ounce of human decency which many other mothers
in her situation allow their girls to be used in much worse ways! Many mothers
are severely pressured by radical female activists to expose themselves to male
victims and many prepubescent minor females are made to expose themselves to
male victims, mostly in swimsuits but often where no pools are even in the
vicinity in PA, DE, HI, and WI! Around 2002, Jim’s 3.5 year old granddaughter
Tiffany was trained to peel off all her clothes and run around naked in the
Days Inn parking lot in East Orlando for a photo op smear! Jim is afraid to
visit Tiffany and his daughter Michelle since 2006 because the female hate
community corrupts them and makes them and their friends do bad things,
including violent things like making Tiffany kick Jim in the head while he
drives or punching him at Disney World with a combination of punches that dazed
Jim when she was only 3.3 years old! Tiffany only weighed 38 pounds in 2002 and
children at that age cannot throw combo punches unless they are trained! Jim’s mother,
ex-wife (since the fall 2013), sisters, daughter and granddaughter are trained
and heavily involved with NOW and they help destroy and smear innocent men with
the help of PI’s! Around 1994, they made Michelle’s best (assigned) friend (around
13) press her breast in Jim’s back when he was working on the Computer in the glass
Pool Room for a photo op smear! They had Jim’s step niece (10 years old)
moderately sexually assault Jim in front of his wife and family in 1992 in a
Hotel when his sister married a Bucks County, PA man who was adopted by a female
social service activist! When Jim’s step niece was around 12, Jim was manipulated
into taking his step niece to Child Support in Tampa and then to school in Northeast
Tampa by his sister and his employer (Volusia County Court Clerk (controlled by
LAWYERS)) where the 12 year old girl offered Jim sex with minor sexual contact
involved but severe child endangerment because they were driving on I-275 when
the incident occurred obviously distracting Jim! These sick female activists at
the Tampa Child Support office and Educators at her elementary school in
Northeast Tampa were involved in the pedophile smear and sexual corruption of a
minor girl during the 1993/94 school year and this is very common in female
dominated industries and organizations! Jim’s step niece had a maternal
Grandfather that was a Florida Judge in Plant City and this smear was designed
to pit Jim against Judges, especially Judges in Florida, where Jim worked in three
Courthouses in Volusia County (Daytona, Deland and New Smyrna) as the IT
Manager and later as a Consultant! These are vile Lawyers and Activists that severely
harm and endanger children and it has to stop or Jim will die trying which is
the more likely scenario! We are talking about sick mothers, Teachers, and
Social Workers that are supposed to protect children and this case will make
the Penn State case look like a minor infraction in comparison! We are talking
about Police families that allow their children to be severally endangered and
sexually corrupted in DE, PA, OH, and FL and US Law Enforcement allow kids to
be victims in Africa, Europe, Hawaii, Mexico and many states in the USA! It has
to stop immediately because no cause is worth hurting innocent children! It is important
to note that Jim (James E. Stephenson), is an All-American man according to
Private Investigators (PI’s) which was communicated via his wife and daughter
in 10/1997. Jim is better than that because he is nonviolent and will let God
be the final Judge if the Criminal Un-Justice System continues to allow the
massive corrupt of children and severe endangerment of the innocent public to
continue! Jim has been an All-American male all his life because he was groomed
as a caretaker by his mother and her archenemy his paternal grandmother (Mary
Stephenson) since birth and was the only child continuously exposed to God and
Jesus through his paternal grandmother! Jim and his entire family have been
smeared and corrupted to various (minor for Jim and a few remote cousins and
extreme for his siblings and several close cousins) degrees by his very sick
drug abusing mother and members of her paternal family so that they all can be
controlled and manipulated! Jim grew up on the Westside of Cincinnati, OH until
he was ten and then from 10 to 14 in a very nice and accepting Seattle Suburb
where NOBODY was prejudice in the late 1960’s in a multi-racial and
multi-ethnic area! They were taught NOT TO HATE and even moving to a nice part
of the East Coast in Western Delaware was hard to adjust to while being exposed
to names like Pollock, Wop, Mc, Dago, Chink, Gook and worse like the N Word but
not nearly as hard as moving to Central Florida (KKK) in College (9/76) and
Willow Grove, PA (serious ethnic and racial tensions) at age 19 in 8/1976! Jim
took Race Relations and World Geography as electives in College and any racial,
religious, gender, sexual orientation or ethnic hate smears are a 100% lie but
Jim does despise child corrupting criminals and traitors in all groups! Jim has
risked his life and health protecting a Black Trans Gender Person (Hawaii in
2009), a Gay Teen from three Auto Union workers at his very involved employer Lear
in Newark, DE in 2002, countless women including a Jewish woman being severely
sexually assaulted at work by his Computer Operations shift supervisor, countless
classmates as the anti-bully saving the life of his Asian friend from his
brother Mark who was illegally drugged at lunch (around 1968/69), and by seven
of his closest family members that have betrayed him for money,
self-preservation and/or their activist causes! They stopped illegally drugging
Mark around late 1972 when he was severely corrupted and no longer a threat to
them and when he started helping them after he was manipulated and befriended
by a Greenville, DE Lawyer he worked for during High School (9/72 to 6/76). Jim
continues to be illegally drugged and was drugged at all of his schools since
1968 and many of his places of employment to continuously build a false smear
file against him so activists and Law Enforcement would help the Conspirators
obstruct and harm him! In this personal vendetta against All-American Jim these
Conspirators corrupt and endanger so many innocent people and many people have
been seriously injured with one possible fatality! In 1991, Jim was
sent to Uganda Africa to smear him as craving black females and these White
Witches and scummy Lawyers with their vile PI’s (Private Investigators) endangered
many minor girls during this trip including white English girls and a South
Asian girl from England but mainly black girls and young black women in vile
hate crimes making black females feel inferior as smear material which disgusts
Jim to his core! Uganda is said to be the most anti-Gay country in the world
according to LOGO and Jim was openly friends with three heroic and openly Gay Doctors
trying to cure the AIDS epidemic and the Gay English Doctor invited Jim to his
London home near Jim’s English brother-in-law’s house in the Docklands area!
Jim attempted to erect a historic plaque in Entebbe Uganda to honor the Israeli
heroes involved with the Raid on Entebbe, including Netanyahu’s heroic brother!
Jim was persecuted as a Jew for several weeks after that being accused of being
Jewish in a Muslim governed Country that would not allow Jews in it and that is
who Jim is! Jim is circumcised like most American men but nobody else was circumcised
at the Sheraton Fitness Center because only Jews are circumcised outside of North
America, Israel and a few other very small areas of the world according to his
Gay English Doctor friend that was very anti circumcision as are the LGBT
community as Doc communicated to the International Community in Uganda! At the
same time, Jim tried to erect a Historic plaque near the Entebbe Airport
telling the story of how Ugandan Asians (South Asians/Indians) tried to flee
Uganda from genocide by Ide Amin in the 1970’s at a hidden Hindu Shrine just
off the main road to the Airport. Indians are despised by many Black Africans (see
Mississippi Masala with Danzel Washington for a little insight) and Jim stands
up for all persecuted people and always has done so! Jim loves all of Gods
people and he will fight these white witches and vile Lawyers to the day he dies
for their crimes against children, young women and mentally handicapped females
which have been committed since 1970 to smear and corrupt minor children
including Jim’s brother Mark at age twelve when he started puberty in Seattle. Mother
Janet purposely brought a mentally handicapped female home that she manipulated
and corrupted to do the job and they still sexually smear Jim using mentally
handicapped females in the Greater Philadelphia area since 2006 to date! Jim
has never had sexual contact with any of these mentally handicapped victims but
they use them as photo op smears to vilify victims like Jim! The worst was in
2006 with a mentally handicapped Asian female teenager in Philadelphia (30th
Street Station near a surveillance camera) and in Wilmington twice (at the
train station in the old vending room with a surveillance camera and at the
Jazz Festival where she lifted her dress in front of Jim several times with
hundreds of witnesses)! They show these photos to people to get normally decent
people to smear, discredit and/or harm Jim as the master manipulators that they
are! They even use mentally handicapped victims at mental health facilities
like the Horsham Clinic (filthy female Dr. Senik and Social Worker Edie
Weinstein) and at the Lenape Valley Foundation both where Jim’s filthy medical
mafia sister Laura is involved with so she gets free drugs and SSD like so many
criminals do while the Government pays for these medical frauds! They use these
mentally handicapped victims on DART, SEPTA, The Bus (Hawaii) and at several
YMCA’s nationwide (worst in Wilmington) and Jim has some names the authorities
can investigate when they are finally forced to do so by you all! Jim will not
let mentally handicapped victims be corrupted or endangered without a fight
because his mother Janet, the Medical Mafia and worldwide Social Service
Activists, including his English in-laws, victimize the mentally handicapped
and social services controlled children (adopted, poor, Foster care, etc.) that
are easy to manipulate and corrupt! There is not a decent human being alive that
can allow the corruption of these victims to continue for their causes, even
worthy ones like Food Banks, Shelters, etc.! Why would Lawyers and corrupt
activists use children and the mentally handicapped in sex crimes, who would
help a vile pedophile or a predatory person that sexually preys on the mentally
handicapped? Nobody would help them and many would help harm and even murder
them and that is the motive behind using them! Jim is 100% innocent and is a
whistle blow willing to fall on the sword for these kids and he needs your help
to force an investigation to stop these vile Lawyers and desperate activists
from hurting innocent victims! These Medical Mafia Lawyers pay off all these
involved groups and have made these groups dependent on their tainted donations
gained through massive frauds so these groups will not help us at
MadDogsUSA! Jim has demanded
an honest polygraph test since 2006 because these vile criminals need to be
stopped and Jim is 100% innocent unlike most other victims like his brother Mark
that was drugged and manipulated since he was around five years old to sexually
corrupt and smear him! Mark graduated from West Point with honors and they own
him because he was professionally smeared and corrupted as a young minor child!
Jim’s other three siblings we born into this destructive crime conspiracy or
were infants and two of the three were molded into monsters without a decent
childhood like Jim and Mark benefited from for their first four to five years!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is an understatement but to let it
continue for over fifty years is beyond CRIMINAL but Jim has come to understand
that this is common procedure in the female hate community! They target men
that they think committed crimes against women so the Lawyers only have to
smear a male victim as abusive, violent, sexual predator, a pedophile, and/or a
bad person that walked out on his family and the female hate community will
harm the innocent victim! Jim’s daughter Michelle and his then wife Christine
used to tell Jim about how female groups smear good men in divorce cases and
said that they are so strong and powerful that they cannot be stopped because
they team with corrupt Lawyers and use attractive women to corrupt, seduce,
rape and/or smear powerful men to control and manipulate them, including
Police, Judges, and the DA all of which Jim has witnessed while he was made to
work at the Volusia County (FL) Clerk of Courts as the Information Technology (IT) Manager from 10/1992 to 1/1/1996
finishing up as a Computer Consultant when Jim could no longer work with these
vile traitors that obstruct justice for rich and/or powerful criminals! These
Lawyers purposely made Jim see the severe corruption and obstruction of justice
pitting him against very powerful organized criminals posing as Lawyers since
1992! Volusia County was the County in 2000 that had the negative vote count
for Al Gore in the presidential election and that is what Jim was pitted
against! They did similar things at the Orlando Police Department (OPD),
Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH), at many schools and at two Military Bases (PA
and TX) to obstruct justice and to control Jim which will never happen since
they have corrupted and destroyed most of his family, many old friends, many
old classmates and many old coworkers who Jim liked and loved! That is what these
organized criminals posing as Lawyers and Community Activists do and corrupting
so many normally decent people to steal from the USA (Soc Sec, Medicare and
Insurance that citizens are forced to pay for) is unacceptable! Since Jim was
miraculously able to escape severe sexual corruption as a prepubescent minor,
mommy dearest tried to sexually damage him around 1968 by having the urethra in
his penis mutilated by Doctors that were most likely manipulated (or maybe paid
off) into preforming this sexually mutilating child operation! Since Janet
could not sexually corrupt Jim, she tried to damage him by trying to make him
be cruel to animals (failed), wet the bed (forcing him to drink water before
bed), defecate in his pants (with laxatives) and to play with fire (making him
to light the grill, stove and furnace pilot light starting a 7) because these
behaviors are keys to making a child into a monster as an adult! She started
making Jim drink a big glass of water before bed starting around age 6 or 7 to
get him to start wetting the bed after years of not doing so and blaming his
behavior on his father James saying it was because he was absent from his
children’s lives continually building the smear file used to control and
destroy him! Jim and Mark were very lucky because their paternal grandfather
preached to his grandchildren to be kind to animals and cruelty to animals is
the number one indicator for determining if a child will grow up to be a monster
as an adult! Jim and Mark were often illegally drugged with amphetamines as
young minors, including at school by 1968 at Lunch while the boys were
manipulated into going back for seconds by their assigned friends who were
brothers, a year older and whose father worked at a local High School (female
dominated Education field)! Mark broke a puppy’s leg playing ruff with it but
both boys were not cruel to animals being constantly reminded by their paternal
granddaddy to always be kind to animals! Janet started to study for a Master’s
Degree in Physiology around 1968 at University of Wash (UW) so she could learn
how to better control and destroy her victims! Janet started abusing drugs with
her prescription pills and later taking illegal drugs with her lover and drugged
out of the program. Janet became even more manipulative and destructive with
new techniques she learned at UW. She manipulated her husband James into beating
the hell out of her lover that dropped her, while James was illegally drugged, before
the family was forced to leave Seattle in shame which continued in Delaware and
later in Pennsylvania! Janet manipulated James into filing for bankruptcy in DE
while stealing the profits from both houses in DE and WA with her Lawyers and
that is how it is done folks! Janet’s attempts
to corrupt Jim largely failed (99.9%) and Marks corruption was not nearly as
severe as it was designed to be because of four years of a great childhood
before the Conspiracy started (he is not a Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacey or
Jeffery Dohmer but he no Saint either)! Janet did succeed in making two of her three
youngest children into monsters and they are severe substance abusers that do
much of her really dirty work! She groomed the youngest fraternal twin girl
(Lynne) to be her replacement caretaker for Jim but Lynne is totally controlled
and influenced by Janet and the female hate activist community very similar to
the way Jim’s daughter Michelle (12/10/81) is controlled, manipulated and
influenced! Janet fattens up her victims on purpose to limit their
opportunities and to control who their assigned friends and spouses are,
BELIEVE IT! She did this to Jim, Mark, husband James, Jim’s daughter Michelle
and Lynne who was almost 400 lbs. before Jim started telling people what Janet
was doing to control her! She made her other two children into totally
dependent substance abusers to ruthlessly control ALL the members of her family
like she was controlled by her family! Believe it, several people in Janet’s
paternal family have similar personalities and they were very controlling,
manipulative, mean, destructive and cruel to Janet who did even worse to her
family! These female hate activists, Conspirators and Lawyers always play the
victim when they are the vile criminals and they network with vigilante
activists worldwide to smear, control, destroy, injure and sometimes murder
their victims from what Jim has been told and believes to be 100% true based on
the repeated attempts on his life and continual reckless endangerment of his
life! Jim is scarred from head to toe many times over since he started driving
in June of 1973 and he will be in constant pain the rest of his life with his severely
damaged right shoulder, lower back and several painful scars suffered from 6/1973
to 8/4/2008 when a very serious attempt on his life failed in DE. Weeks before
the DE attempt they PI’s tried in WI when the air in his rear motorcycle tire was
purposely deflated and the 325 lbs. motorcycle fishtailed and late fell on
Jim’s leg when he parked it because the weight shifted on the deflated tire. By
the shear grace of God Jim is still alive and fighting for ALL these kids that
have filthy adult influences in their lives! Corrupting children is one of the
very worst sins a Christian can commit and read Mathew 18:6 for
conformation! It infuriates Jim
the most when they hurt minor black girls, LGBT kids, & Irish girls
respectively but Jim is getting increasingly infuriated with their use of East
Asian girls in severe racial hate crimes as well! Using any minor or mentally
handicap person upsets Jim but to use black females to smear victims implies
that blacks are inferior which sickens Jim to his very core! These white
witches started this smear against Jim as a minor around 11/1974 at AI DuPont
HS in DE but it escalated to an attempted rape by an All-American minor Black
Cheerleader at Sanford School in DE in May of 1976 months before Jim was sent
to Florida Southern College (FSC) in backwoods Lakeland, FL where the KKK
openly marched in parades! The KKK and Rednecks severely persecuted Jim in
Central Florida and Jim thought it was because he was a Yankee but it was
because of radical hate crimes created by liberal Teachers in DE that severely endangered
Jim’s life at age 19! The Rednecks (KKK) sabotaged and destroyed Jim’s car when
Jim’s best friend from Sanford, who was black, came to stay with Jim for six
weeks at FSC. Jim did not know it was a severe hate crime until around June of
2005 when he was told by several family members that the Conspiracy had been
going on since the early 1960’s and many of the smear details involved. They
are so petty that they get off on telling the victim details and by scaring the
criminals that helped them along the way! Jim’s mother
Janet was a Home Economics Teacher in Ohio and a Social Worker in Delaware that
later worked for Social Security in Philadelphia and these are the most
involved female dominated industries along with the Medical Industry and areas
of the Government! Janet hates white men and black females the most calling
them 2fers and has caused racial hate crimes since 1959. She almost started a
Race Riot at a summer camp in Ohio in 1959 and covered up her closet racist
ways by having a picture of Jim at 2 years old kissing a black child! She later
used that picture to upset his Southern (racist) Grandmother and to cruelly
tease Jim by making fun of him kissing what she called a Tar Baby or using the
offensive N word! Even today they often have white adults posing with black
children as a biracial family insinuating that Jim has biracial children
because he craves black females! Even his third cousin Willie Jester of racist
Southern Virginia posed with black children on Facebook and sent the link to
Jim disrespecting black people, including sweet black and biracial children
which Jim adores as he does all children! Jim has had it with these white
racist educators and as recently as the fall of 2012 Educators used a minor
black female on the CB South JV Volleyball team to smear him which infuriates
him but they parade black girls and young females in front of Jim at stores
frequently! They also used an adopted Asian girl from China whose ADOPTIVE mother
is an educator and a Jewish girl that was made to severely flirt with Jim on
school grounds and at her house by her very involved mother! These White
Witches make young minors girls dress improperly like street walkers and force
Jim to pick them up in emergencies in over loaded cars for photo op smears used
to falsely smear Jim as a pedophile! Being falsely smeared as a pedophile is extremely
life threatening and many people have hurt Jim after being falsely smeared
especially bus drivers and Law Enforcement Activists! They have young girls
openly flirt with Jim on school grounds for photo op smears and some of these
vile female educators harm and endanger minors today over forty years after it
severely started in High School as a junior All-State Basketball Player at AI
DuPont HS! This smear material is also used to threaten and intimidate Jim as
they tell Jim that pedophiles like Jerry Sandusky only last about 2 years in
prison before they are murdered! They often have prison guards threaten Jim on
buses (HI), his Fitness Gyms (PA), in his PA house in the late 1990’s and in
public places (FL, DE, HI and PA)! It is a form of intimidation but Jim is 100%
innocent and has begged for a Polygraph Test from the FBI, Police and DA as
recently as 2014! Conspirators, including Jim’s family, say that many of the
involved minor girls have been sexually abused before (his step niece, the
Police Reagan girl, his daughters best friend in 1994, etc.) so they cannot
determine if Jim sexually abused them or not! To use minor girls that have been
previously sexually abused before reinforces the pattern of being a sexually
abused victim and they tried their best to get Jim to have sex with these minor
girls but Jim would never sexually hurt any female, especially a child! These
females hate activist women would not allow their minor female children around
Jim as recently as 2013 if he was bad in anyway as proof! When Jim leaves
the Northern Philly suburbs or Center City they have activists purposely hurt
him insinuating he is a pedophile, especially on Buses in DE (last in late 2013
but starting in 2006) and in Hawaii in the last half of 2009! They started this
false smear in 1974 using the ADOPTED niece of Wilmington PD (WPD) Chief Reagan
that they sexually posed for a photo op smear and they insinuate that this is
why the Police Chief’s will not stop the radical activists and neighborhood
watch groups that they control from harassing and injuring Jim in FL, DE, HI
and most of all in PA! In the northern Philly suburbs they only purposely harass
and smear Jim but they purposely physically hurt, smear and harass Jim worldwide
including serious attempts on his life (DE, FL, GA, HI and WI) where Jim has
been severely injured! The Private Investigators sabotage his vehicles everywhere
he goes in the USA including PA and the last major attempt on his life was when
his brand new bicycle had its breaks purposely altered to fail on hills and Jim
road it down a massive hill to the train station in Chalfont, PA the first two
times he rode the bike! By the grace of God Jim took an alternate route on the
third trip to the train station saving his life for sure in August of 2013 (Jim
still crashed but it was not severe)! The Police and
conspirators say (since 1998 by Bucks Law Enforcement Activist, coworker and
Jewish Hate Activist Ron Bolvin) that if Jim moves out of Southeastern, PA they
will not harass (KILL) him but they do even worse and purposely injure him in
places as close as DE and the Police cover for them including Jim’s childhood friend
Officer Ron Firovanti of WPD in DE twice from late 2007 to early 2008! Former
NFL Eagles backup kicker Ronny Firovanti (1979 and 1980) knows that Jim is 100%
innocent and was purposely smeared as a minor child by PI’s and his assigned
friends from involved families that live in Ronny’s childhood neighborhood of
Tybrook in DE! Former WPD Officer and WU Professor Cunningham (Christiana HS
1972) threatened Jim in 2006 by saying that he plays basketball with Ronny and the
majority of Jim’s involved childhood friends from AI HS and also said that DE
has a great mental health system and that his wife was a Prosecutor in DE
insinuating Jim will not be helped by the DA Office (which he knows is true)! The core
conspirators manipulate the Police, DA, and Activists and force Jim back to
Bucks County where he is monitored and harassed by the radical hate activist
communities (female, LGBT, Law Enforcement, Jewish, Redneck (including the KKK
at a upper Bucks campsite in 2007), etc.) but do not purposely try to injured
Jim, except at his Gym in minor ways! They are covering up forcing Jim to stay
in Bucks by verbally saying in public that Jim should leave, including WTPD
Officer Jessica and Jim’s family! These Conspirators know that Jim cannot leave
without being hurt and by threatening to stop his SSD money from coming for
almost a year because around 20K of his SSD checks were stolen by his family
and Police, SS, Bucks DA and the FBI refuse to investigate despite being given printed
rock solid proof in the form of SSD check transactions! These Conspirators are
very manipulative, always cover their crimes and are coached by vile Lawyers
that manipulate and smear victims for a living! The vile Buxmont (Bucks and
Montgomery PA Counties) activists often accidentally injured Jim because they
are amateurs trying to harass Jim in vehicles, including in cars and on bikes.
Jim tried to move to Seattle in June of 2005 when his dad threatened him with
violence several times (still does like today 3/22/2014 ) and ordered him to
leave but he was prevented from employment and injured while temporarily
disabled in his hotel room from freezing cold air, noise from cars and constant
crashing noise from the female activist upstairs that was most likely a PI! Jim
tried to move to Wisconsin in 2008, Hawaii in 2009 and Delaware several times
between 2006 and 2008 but he was severely harassed and purposely injured while
he was prevented from employment (DE and WA) or permeate employment (WI and HI)
while having his temporary employment illegally terminated while being
purposely injured in HI and WI! Believe it, these are hardcore criminals and
they tried to kill Jim starting around 11/1998 (after the 10 Million Dollar Head
Injury Fraud was stolen from Federal Bankruptcy Court in NYC (corrupt Judge
Liftland)) to the present whenever the opportunity arises! They build
fraudulent medical smears falsely saying Jim is delusional (CYA) and making it
appear Jim has a sleeping disorder while making Jim drive long distances in
sabotaged vehicles while trying to murder Jim by making it look accidental and
this can be investigated and proved! Jim is purposely deprived of sleep by the
Conspirators but would Jim’s sister and the female hate activists force Jim to
drive their minor children around if he had a sleeping disorder, was violent or
was a pedophile? No, of course not but they use sleep deprivation to temporarily
disable victims or to discredit a victim like the Doylestown Nurses did starting
in late October of 2013 along with Jim’s dad by purposely waking Jim up at all
hours and keeping him up caring for his dad that was faking and exaggerating multiple
medical conditions! This was done to discredit Jim and especially his future testimony
while these case building professionals tried to trip him up with questions
while he was exhausted and often illegally drugged like was the case in early
2011 with the Mill Creek Elementary School Nurse that came to the house! This
case building school Nurse knocked on Jim’s door twice purposely trying to
provoke and discredit him by bringing coats for his two nieces at the very end
of the winter and repeatedly saying his sister’s family were so poor when they
are rich medical mafia frauds stealing the system blind with zero remorse! They
use Medical Doctors, Insurance Staff (in manufactured frauds (car/house in
2014)) and activists or their sympathizers in places where Jim does business
(Banks, Stores, Barbers, Transportation, etc.) to try to smear Jim! This is how it is done but they wasted many
thousands of dollars with fraudulent medical care billed to Medicare and
Insurance Companies but this is routine procedure for the Medical Mafia Lawyers
that aggressively steal them blind! These clever Lawyers manipulate Politicians
and the Public to pump more money into the Medical Industry so these Medical
Mafia Lawyers can steal even more in a massive medical financial repository financed
by the naive public that does understand where their tax money and insurance
payments are going to in this complex web of deceit! They get paid for building
fraudulent cases designed to protect corrupt Doctors, Medical Staff and Lawyers
in the Medical Mafia that changed medical records in 1996 and falsified medical
diagnoses and medical records as recently as late 2013! Believe it, Lawyers and
their associate’s train Medical Professionals, Police and HR Staff like Reds
Reagan (brother of the former WPD Chief) on how to build cases and many members
of Jim’s family and their friends are skilled professionals, stealing the
system blind for prescription drugs, SSD and for a cut of fraudulent
settlements! This is who they pitted Jim against starting around 1972 and these
Medical Mafia Lawyers steal billions from SS, Medicare and Insurance Companies
every year! These is why they use minor children to smear victims that threaten
to expose them and they control these activists by funneling some of the
fraudulent settlements to their nonprofit causes, including Police Neighborhood
Watch Groups and the Abuse Groups like A Woman’s Place (AWP) to name a few!
Exodus 23:1-10 tells Jews and Christians how accepting bribes clouds your
judgment and Law Enforcement Groups are guilty and they are controlled by these
Lawyers that contribute to their groups and made them dependent on these
illegally obtained contributions! MadDogsUSA has a better idea, give Law
Enforcement a percentage of the frauds that they expose and a cut of every
court settlement from the Lawyers cut! Give the saved SSD, Medicare and
Insurance money to the worthy nonprofits cutting the greedy Lawyers out that
currently steal the Lion’s share of the taxpayer money that was designed to
help the needy in the first place! Also give a decent percentage of the saved
Insurance Money to the Insurance Companies for stopping the frauds requiring
them to invest in American Companies to create more jobs! The Insurance
Companies get to keep all the profits their investments so they will invest
wisely in American Companies! Why let the organized criminals posing as Lawyers
steal from every man, woman and child in the USA while hurting the country by
making the USA financially weaker! The Police should
get a percentage of the frauds that they expose and cut the greedy Lawyers out
of the picture that now control them like puppet masters! The Lawyers have
setup the Laws to steal money out of the Insurance Companies and the Government
that they drain dry every year and MadDogsUSA would not be one bit surprised if
they steal over fifty percent of insurance money that they require citizens,
tax payers via Medicare and SSD, and employers to pay for because they pick
away at the resources as a patient goes through the Medical Mafia on false medical
reports, expert opinions, unneeded procedures and medications that are not necessary!
They use drug addicts like Jim’s sister Laura, mother and other family members and
their friends to fake injuries to get drugs and money from tax payers like you!
Believe it, a disgusting hardcore drug addict will sell their body and their
children for a fix so why wouldn’t the medical mafia use them just like pimps
do to make money for them! We swear on the Bible and before God and Jesus that we
have witnessed unethical money grabs at Jim’s former employer Abington Memorial
Hospital (AMH) as recently as 2013, at many Doctors Offices and other medical
facilities, including Winter Park Hospital (FL), Doylestown Hospital, Lenape Valley
Foundation (LVF) and the Horsham Clinic where drug addicts get free drugs and
SSD like Jim’s sister does! This is a racket that is bankrupting America for a
few greedy Organized Criminals that make up the Medical Mafia but they are
praised by fools that benefit from a small portion of the thefts that they
donate to worthy nonprofits while they steal the Lion’s share of money
allocated by generous American Tax Payers designed to help the needy that these
criminals severely short change! Motive, means and opportunity is what Jim
learned at the Orlando PD (OPD) in his THREE terms of employment there and they
steal from every man, woman and child required to have insurance and pay taxes in
the USA and that is why they want Jim dead as a Whistle Blower! Jim loves God,
Jesus, his daughter, his granddaughter, kids, good people and the USA and he
will risk his life for all of them without hesitation or regret! In Africa in
1991, many Ugandans called Jim the REAL AMERICAN because he was good, kind,
caring, generous, smart, big, strong and brave and that is exactly what Jim is!
Jim will not let vile criminals and special interest groups hurt innocent
people or the USA and this fight is to the death using peaceful methods. MadDogsUSA
needs your help to expose and stop these criminals and to reeducate and
enlighten the normally decent people that they have fooled! These criminals
have Christians and Clergy commit severe sins in church, including moderate sex
crimes and false witness and it is going to stop! Jesus had a meltdown when he
witnessed money changers doing business in Gods House (the Temple in Jerusalem)!
What do you think Jesus would do if he saw Christian women exposing themselves,
endangering their children (one child was accidently hurt in WI by his mother),
bearing false witness while trying to smear a good Christian man (including
female hate Activists at Liberty University and at BYU Hawaii) and committing
racial hate crimes in a Florida Church (1977) and in Lancaster PA in 2006 at
two church functions? Jesus would have a meltdown for sure and these vile
criminals can and do corrupt the very best people and nobody is immune! We must
show mercy and try to minister to normally decent people corrupted, including involved
teachers and former teachers at Sanford, AI DuPont, FSC, CB South HS, Unami Jr
HS, Mill Creek Elementary, Upper Moreland Schools, Winter Park Schools (FL),
etc. that were fooled and/or corrupted! It is more important to recognized the massive
problem and fix it than to have a witch hunt forcing people with knowledge
through involvement to clam up for self-preservation. The same is true with the
Activist Communities and the Criminal Justice System because they must study
this case to see how easily they are fooled, manipulated and corrupted and make
the necessary corrections! Most of these people have been fooled and thought
they were helping a victim when in reality they were hurting innocent people,
including children for a vile child corrupting drug abusing criminal like Janet
Gingerich Stephenson! Janet is the Hitler of child corruption and abuse and has
been above the law since she was 8 years old when her father became a Mayor and
she was spoiled rotten since the day she was born! Many of these Lawyers think
they are above the Law and they are unless we all stop them from destroying and
raping our country out of shear greed and a lust for absolute power which they
may have achieved based on Jim’s life experiences while working in the Courts,
Police, Government, Insurance, Education and the Medical industry as a Computer
Programmer exposed to a detailed insight of these organizations! They think
everybody is a sellout but many people love our Country and would die
protecting kids and the innocent that cannot protect themselves! Want proof, is
all you have to do is go to a military cemetery like Jim witnessed in northern France
and at Arlington, VA to see how many people care and are willing to give their
life protecting others! These criminals are vile traitors and Jim will fight
them to the day he dies and we need your help to contact his old friends, former
coworkers, members of his extended family and former teachers so we can stop
the corruption and destruction of minors. These criminals are master
manipulators and MadDogsUSA wants to give these people a chance to redeem
themselves and to be heroes by atoning for past sins! Most people involved were
under 25 and Jim is not mad at them if they help as adults and most of the
involved adults were manipulated by professionals so they can be forgiven if
they redeem themselves by helping us stop these vile traitors! Jim has been
blocked from contacting people that may help to date by private investigators,
activists, corrupt members of his family and criminals posing as Lawyers so we
need your help to get help for these kids and force an investigation! As the oldest
male in Jim’s paternal family and the oldest child in his nuclear family, Jim
was taught to care for and protect his family and as one of the biggest and
strongest males in his grade at school, Jim stopped his classmates from hurting
each other as the anti-bully! When people started clapping and chanting fight,
fight, fight that was Jim’s signal to come and stop the fight often risking his
own safety! These female hate activists (many are Teachers, Lawyers, Police,
Nurses, and Social Workers) use sex and/or violence to smear male victims in
divorce cases and it started over 50 years ago in Jim’s family when his mother Janet
was scorned around 1963! So many innocent minors have been corrupted and
injured by these hate activists and Lawyers and we are going to expose them and
beg you all to help us stop them! Jim swears on the Bible and before God and
Jesus that they severely endanger and sexually corrupt minors including the
Christian Right! NO GROUP IS SAFE from these hateful activists and vile lawyers
and they are the number one threat to the USA and the World by destroying
families and corrupting normally decent people! Jim is the most accepting and
caring person you will ever meet and to smear him as hateful, violent and
sexually aggressive is a 100% lie designed to protect organized criminals in
all our communities! We all have organized criminals in our groups and they
network together to steal the system blind while creating vile racial, ethnic,
gender, sexual orientation and religious hate crimes! Lawyers give a small
portion of the fraudulent court case thefts to worthy nonprofits while stealing
the Lion’s share of the resources as they chip away at donated theft money as
it goes through the medical mafia system on unnecessary procedures,
medications, fraudulent expert reports, etc.! Help us help you and yours
because corrupt elements of Law Enforcement will not even protect their own
children and women to date so you can bet they will not protect your children
from these organized criminals! Lawyers manipulate and control Law Enforcement
and they purposely target key people in the Criminal Justice System to corrupt
so they can control and manipulate justice! They donate stolen money to
neighborhood watch groups, abuse groups and other Law Enforcement Groups and
Organizations while distracting Law Enforcement by having them concentrate
their resources on petty crimes, manufactured terror threats and the unwinnable
drug war while their medical mafia Doctors are encouraged to supply drugs to hardcore
junkies that help them steal the system blind like several members of Jim’s
family! MadDogsUSA despise hardcore junkies because they will sell their
children for a fix but Law Enforcement needs to legalize drugs and use the
profits to triple Law Enforcement and concentrate on white collar crimes that
are destroying the USA financially! Why endanger Law Enforcement lives in the
war on drugs when medical mafia doctors have pressure and incentives to
prescribe drugs to legal junkies like many members of Jim’s family including his
mother since the 1960’s! The organized criminals running the Medical Mafia
created a complex nationwide racket designed to steal USA taxpayer’s blind with
massive medical and insurance frauds! The thefts they donate make these
criminals look like they are helping the needy and worthwhile nonprofits in
what we call the “Robinhood Conspiracy”!
MadDogsUSA has
offered proof and Jim has begged to take a polygraph test about anything in his
entire life to the DA, Police, and the FBI many times but they receive
contributions for their nonprofits that they support and are protecting these
Organized Criminals! See Exodus 23:1-10 to see how accepting bribes clouds your
judgment! Read Mathew 18:6 to see what happens to people that corrupt children
and we pray to those that turn a blind eye and allow it to continue! They have
severely endangered and corrupted countless minors (almost all of Jim’s family
and most of his family’s closest minor friends for 50 years) and Jim will not
allow it to continue! MadDogsUSA has had it and many Teachers have helped
sexually corrupt the children that they are entrusted to care for since at
least 1969 and this makes the Penn State crimes look like a minor infraction!
They use minors to seduce and even rape other minors so the kids can be
controlled and/or manipulated to help them destroy men in divorce cases! They
are truly vile sexual child abusers and severely endanger the public by
illegally drugging victims or modifying their behavior to drink and take drugs
including several all-American kids that Jim’s family went to school with!
Believe it and let us prove it! Jim loves his daughter and granddaughter and his
daughter had a baby at age 16 because they purposely sexually corrupted her and
her assigned friends (one was the son of a Police Officer) to vilify and
falsely smear Jim! They made these kids watch the Playboy Channel which made
them sexually charged and made them think about having sex starting in late 1997
to provoke and smear Jim! They did much worse to family friends and classmates
exposing them to Playboy in the summer of 1969 when Jim was 12 and his brother Mark
was 11 and to hardcore bondage porn in late 1972 when Jim was 15.5 exposing
over fifty male classmates (the Jocks) and many of their family and friends to
this filth for three years! The kids that purposely brought this hardcore porn into
school that was designed to smear and try to corrupt Jim were from the Abuse
Community and the Hockessin Volunteer Fire Department (HVFD) which Jim’s
brother’s in-laws are a part are of. Jim is very big and strong and he would
not need ropes and handcuffs to hold women down plus he is not cruel or
controlling so they failed but definitely hurt countless people in the process
by putting violent sexual thoughts in the minds of many young males! They are
so vile and we can only imagine how many men and women have been affected by
this very sick crime against 15 year old classmates in 1972-1975! Jim and his
siblings all were assigned friends and spouses from the most involved groups
since 1965 and kids are indoctrinated into these activist hate groups! These
sick criminals hurt their own families with this hardcore bondage porn and you
only have to study the 1975 AI DuPont Yearbook for evidence of this fact
because many males at AI went to porno movies because of this corruption or you
were called a HOMO! Peer pressure is often used to corrupt victims but it hurts
totally innocent people too! These sick white witches hurt kids at Sanford and
devout Christians at Florida Southern College (FSC) too! They damaged their own
kids out of hate and spite for no good reason and we often wonder how it
affected their sick lives and their families over the long haul! You are
talking about children of Educators and boarding students controlled by
Educators and it makes us feel sick just thinking about it! The reason Jim is
100% sure that his mother and the Abuse Community exposed his classmates to
hardcore bondage porn from 10/1972 to 6/1975 is because of the boys involved
and when his family moved to Florida, Jim’s wife tried to provoke a divorce so they
later went to a marriage counselor to save the marriage at her suggestion (a
setup). The fraud told them to spice up their sex lives by trying different
things and telling each other their fantasies and to try to fulfill them! In a
setup his wife told Jim she wanted him to talk dirty to her and to tie her up
and have sex with her (simulated bondage rape)! Jim was shocked and his two
closest (assigned) friends at the Orlando PD (OPD) asked him what the marriage
counselor said and what his wife wanted him to do! They said tying people up is
very dangerous and that Jim better get books, videos and safe equipment in this
calculated setup and false smear! They have a slogan at OPD “set them up and
take them down” and Jim fell for it hook, line and sinker because he wanted to
save his marriage and to love his destructive wife again that purposely
sabotaged his diets (admitted it 3 times in 1989) and fed his daughter very bad
food! As soon as Jim saw a few videos, he realized they often use clothes line
and clothes pins and he remembered seeing his brother and his closest cousins
playing doctor with these items when he walked in on them twice! Jim remembered
that his brother read him a few passages from sexually explicit novels when he
was seven or eight years old that involved ropes and rape and that his mother
purposely exposed his brother to these novels to corrupt him! By the grace of
God Jim was born with visual defects (crossed eyes and a nuisance form of
dyslexia) but his younger brother could read at a much higher level than Jim could!
Even today, Jim does not read for pleasure but only for information so he was
spared! Jim was very turned off with the bondage and never did it but he did
talk dirty to his wife and viewed bondage material for the expertly planned setup
and smear! This is how they smear and corrupt good men and pit them against the
radical female hate community and abuse groups! They use these false smears to unleash
the Abuse Nazis on a victimized male and these are violent criminals protected
by Law Enforcement as they look the other way and refuse to take police reports
about related crimes! It is all smoke and mirrors and Jim wants to take a
Polygraph Test so other children and men do not suffer the destruction of their
children and entire families like Jim has had to suffer! Also his wife used to
ask Jim to go get her cigarettes, Mountain Due, Candy and magazines like True
Detective on a frequent basis, since 1978, in a related setup because magazines like True Detective have sexy
helpless women on the cover with a thug holding a weapon ready to rape her! Jim’s
wife would not even let him hold her down and tickler her and this was a 20
year setup and smear to pit Jim against the criminally violent abuse community
and we are going to rat them out and their setup methods to help future victims!
Jim’s assigned English wife is a part of the UK Social Service Community, was
made to do this by professionals to vilify Jim for his sick mother and to paint
his wife as a victim for the eventual divorce and this is how they manufacture
smear material! They exposed his classmates to worse and two Christian FSC
College Teammate were exposed to even worse material forcing Jim to go to his
first strip club, a movie that turned out to by a very bad porn (Jim made his
Christian friends leave in the first few minutes) and to encourage a band
groupie to strip when they were Security at a Rock Concert and one guy is a
Southern Baptist Minister now, lol. When the future Minister started feeling
guilty for bearing false witness against All-American Jim in these setups, he
would tell him that “People will let you down but God never will” which is the
best information that Jim ever got! If you knew how heroically Jim risked his
life and safety saving many of the most involved Conspirators you would think his
life is about betrayal but it is more about strength, perseverance,
self-sacrifices, and doing the right thing the best way a person can under very
difficult circumstance! Jim is convinced God made him good, determined and
strong willed to help these kids and victims but maybe he is just using Jim to
expose the frauds that will be excluded from heaven! Whatever the reason is, it
all worth it if we can save any kids or innocent men from corruption and
destruction by these hateful criminals that destroy families like his sick
mother and radical members of the female hate community do on a frequent basis!
In May of 2007, a
briefed FBI Agent apologized about his daughter being impregnated at age 16 when
Jim went to complain about the conspirators (PI’s) sabotaging his Van. Less
than a month later, his van was torched with a slow burning fuse meant to
destroy the van making Jim take public transportation where he was and is still
professionally smeared, injured, controlled, monitored and harassed! Eight firefighters,
a fire marshal, a police officer and up to a 100 onlookers were severely
endangered at the Newark (DE) Library because Jim unknowingly had 70 bullets in
a briefcase he got out of storage that his degenerate mother left on his computer
table along with a porn CD in 2006! The bullets were evidence that Police will
not investigate to date (SINCE 2006) and Jim has begged the FBI as recently as
February of 2014 to investigate child corruption and fraud while providing
proof of a $10,000,000 Head Injury Fraud (medical records) and recently
falsified medical records but they will not investigate! The Newark Library
suffered serious property damage from the intense inferno and tax payers footed
the bill for the damage and resources required to put the intense fire out!
These Conspirators and Private Investigators damage public property, private
property that Insurance has to pay for, and injure people, especially Jim, that
the Government has to pay for and they waste so many resources in the process
for their spiteful, vindictive and unnecessary crimes! It all adds up
nationwide and these wasted resources should be used to help the needy! NCCPD
had Jim’s car routed down Tiganti Drive in Tybrook in late 2013 and blocked the
road right in front of child abusing and child corrupting Mrs. Louise Stull’s
house giving Jim the evil eye for ten minutes letting him know not to harm the
filthy 85 year old criminal! Jim will let God have the criminal but NCCPD (DE)
and WTPD (PA) waste so much tax payer’s money setting up, smearing and
harassing a nonviolent man for no reason! Jim has never started a violent act
in his life but the crimes are so bad against his family, friends and himself
that the corrupt criminals can’t believe a man as strong and brave as Jim can
walk away! It is much more important to expose these continuing crimes against
kids and the handicapped than to get a few minutes of revenge that God will
take care of anyway! That is why it is good to be a REAL Christian that can
leave the punishment up to God if the Criminal Un-Justice System will not
prosecute severe sexual child abusers! Jim is a very self-sacrificing person as
the Conspirators know from winning the Hustle Award at FSC on his College
Basketball Team and as an All-State Basketball Player that did not take drugs,
drink alcohol or even get a girlfriend until he signed his college scholarship
and that is real self-sacrifice! The financial loss from this 50 year Conspiracy
is massive and the Police (since 1964) need to put real criminals in Jail
instead of wasting massive taxpayers money protecting criminals posing as
Lawyers that funnel them stolen money for their nonprofits! Jim was told that
his Grandpa the Mayor use his on duty Police force and the Police network to
investigate, intimidate and harass his father James forcing him to flee to
Seattle and based on Jim’s experience he 100% believes it! By Halloween of
2008, they were severely endangering and sexually corrupting Jim’s two nieces (9
and 11) and their assigned friends and Educators at Central Bucks (PA) Schools
were helping and no officials would even help Jim stop them, even with several serious
incidents on school grounds! Jim is fighting for kids of activists, Irish,
Jews, Blacks, Asian, WASP, LGBT and not just for his own family members! Jim
loves all children and he will not allow any kid to be endangered or corrupted
for any reason without a fight! His two nieces are in severe danger with severe
substance abusing parents that made them live in the filthiest house you ever
saw for over five years with rat turd, dog turd, dirt, scum and trash all over
the house! His sick sister is doing the exact same thing his mother did to his
sisters by grooming the younger one to be her caretaker and limiting her
options by fattening her up! She is making the older one popular and she has
been and will be used to sexually manipulate men and boys for the female hate
causes and she will most likely get hooked on drugs and alcohol just like his
vile sister did! History keeps repeating itself in his sick extended family and
they are most likely too far gone but Jim desperately tried to get them help
many times but the DA, WTPD Police, FBI, School Nurse, Activists and Child
Protective Services refused to help them and three Police Officers saw the
house starting on mother’s day 2011!
The many attempts
on Jim’s life and the severe
endangerment is so bad that Jim has been scarred from head to toe many
times over as they purposely hurt him and reckless endanger the Public and the
Police refuse to help or stop them! Jim’s violent youngest brother David has
aggressively attacked him, threating his life many times and he threw a big
metal pot at the back of his head in May of 2006 grazing his ear as Jim walked
away from the house and Police would not even take a report! WTPD Officers
Sidowsky and Fallon tried to discredit Jim as Officers do in DE, FL, HI, PA, WA,
OH and WI when he has reported threats, child corruption and attempts on his
life since 2005! He has aggressively come at Jim twice in the past several
months as a violent substance abuser but the WTPD Police refuse to help Jim as
do Police nationwide! His brother Dave has been in jail so many times and it is
a crime that WTPD protects violent criminals, sexual child abusers and allows
them to harm innocent people, including minors! Too many people know but most
people do not know the level of harm they do to kids for over 50 years in DE,
PA, FL, OH, WA, HI, NJ, MD, TX, WI, England, France, Africa, Mexico, etc.! One place female
hate activists sexually corrupt minor females is at libraries across the USA
but Delaware Libraries are by far the worse with Hawaii being a distant second
followed by Southeastern PA, Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin respectively! In March
of 2006, they made Jim’s minor niece, then an AI DuPont HS Cheerleader, severely
flirt with him at the Hockessin DE Library and Jim was forced to walk out of
the Library! On the way out he realized that the girl was his niece because she
looked so similar to his sister-in-law in High School! Jim started to vomit
outside and he tried to get word to his brother Mark despite the fact that he was
and is very upset with him! Jim tried to contact his brother’s best friend Gary
Klairstenfeld, who was Jim’s friend too in HS, but Gary’s mother was nasty to him
but not nearly as hateful as his father was around 1995 when Jim went to visit
Gary! Gary looked away in shame as his father treated Jim very bad with
ruthless hateful stares and comments and this was designed to prevent Jim from
asking Gary for help later and letting Jim know his militant Brooklyn Jewish parents
were involved in the criminal Conspiracy! Out of respect for All-American Gary,
Jim just let his father verbally attack him and treat him bad and Jim
gracefully left without a negative response! This incident was designed to
smear Jim as anti-Jewish and to create a manufactured reason for Gary to
distance himself from Jim when the Lawyers started their final solution phase
in 2002 to the present! Divide and conquer is their plan while continually
smearing and trying to corrupt their victims! All the major victims in this
Conspiracy have switched sides, including Jim’s Dad and brother Mark, and help
the root conspirators but All-American Jim cannot allow vile organized
criminals to endanger and corrupt innocent people, especially children, and he
is hardwired this way and cannot sell out even if it means that they kill him,
and they are trying (many attempts since late 1998)! Jim is proud and likes the
man in the mirror despite all the scars and imperfections and that good man
will never turn a blind eye to child corruption and endangerment like Joe
Paterno taught us all not to do! Maybe that is why God humbled Joe but the
message is clear to never give up and let criminals hide the abuses and crimes
against kids! Jim took his involved, corrupted and endangered nephew Chucky
from Ohio to see the Paterno statue at Penn State on 1/1/2006 so he could have
a good role model to look up to but people will let you down at some point but
God and Jesus never will! Jim has always been very self-sacrificing as an
all-state and elite college basketball player and even better Computer
Programmer/Analyst that often worked over 90 hours a week without OT pay at OPD
to save the Police Department data. Jim has risked his life for others since he
was ten and he cannot look away to save himself and the Conspirators have
always know this! Jim loves God, Jesus, his granddaughter, his daughter, kids,
good people, and the USA and he will die trying to help all of them to his very
last breath! The Conspirators know this and they purposely showed Jim massive
corruption in the Courts, Activist Communities, the Government and the Medical
Mafia so they have an excuse to hurt, destroy and ultimately kill Jim! They
placed Jim in key jobs in the Courts to show him illegal Judge Shopping to pit him
against corrupt Lawyers and Judges and they placed Jim in the clutches of the Medical
Mafia at Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH) so he would be pitted against
powerful organized criminals involved with medical frauds! Jim has been shown how
they manipulate and control Law Enforcement at the Orlando Police Department
(OPD) and even at the Volusia County Court Clerk’s Office where Jim was the IT
Manager and worked with Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Judges, Lawyers, and
Criminal Justice people! Organized Criminals are often running the system or
strongly influencing and corrupting the system, believe it! They got their
meat hooks in Jim’s Grandpa the Mayor/Judge around 1950 by taking away his full
time job as a printer at Proctor and Gamble when he had to feed his family but
they opened a new door as a Judge where Jim was purposely told that his grandpa
made all his money while hinting illegally! They have done the same to Jim at
several jobs but his daughter and granddaughter have wealth and security so
poverty only affects Jim and since his Lord Jesus bravely endured it, Jim will endure
it to the best of his ability before it kills or severely disables him where Jim
can no longer fight these criminals! They have destroyed his body and damaged his
health but they will never ever get Jim’s soul and he has proved it repeatedly
in dire manufactured situations since 2005! Stress kills and damages your
immune system and often causes massive weight gain when the stress hormone
cortisol is created in abundance! Around April 9th, 2008 Jim went to
a Wednesday night church service with only a hand full of people in attendance where
he was setup by the corrupted Church staff and some members! In a staged setup
to try to smear and corrupt Jim, the Pastor, Minister of Music and the handful
of attendees quickly left the church leaving Jim alone with a huge tiered
offering table with hundreds if not thousands of dollars on it! Jim had three
dollars in this pocket and he had to leave for Wisconsin on Friday to get the promised
advance for his consulting job! Jim looked at the table with all the money and
started thinking he could take some and repay it in a few days and leave an IOU
but Jim soon realized that he would rather die than to steal from God or to
severely sin in Gods House! Jim decided that he would rather die than to sell his
soul like his grandpa was forced to do back in the early 1950’s because he
cannot live that way! Jim called his Dad and asked to barrow $300 for a ticket
and some expenses but he realized that day how good he really was while faced
with a very desperate situation! The conspirators try to discredit Jim all the
time like this and Jim is not asked for tickets on the SEPTA trains and has to
remind them when he sees the Conductors and at stores in similar setups! Most
people with a middle class and upper middle class comfortable suburban
background are not truly tested but you never really know who and what you are
until you are really tested like these vile criminals have done to Jim making him
desperate at times in his life! Desperate people do desperate things like many
members of his family have been manipulated into doing but Jim will never allow
children or the USA to be harmed or purposely hurt God or Jesus. Jim thinks there
are many people just as good if not better than he is and will stop these vile
criminals! They try to discredit him all the time by putting money in his
credit card account three times by two 7-11 store employees in December of 2012
and telling Jim that the three $15 loads did not go through when they did, so Jim
repaid them when he found out! They just did a similar thing at Walmart with an
$18 barbell that Jim ordered online and picked up at the local store but was reimbursed
online noting that he never picked it up when Jim did pick it up! The local
Walmart would not accept a repayment and Walmart online will not deduct the
payment that they placed back in his account despite many emails! All-State
Insurance did a similar thing to discredit Jim when he bought new car insurance
and the agent, Andrew Schmidt, told Jim he was attached to his dad’s insurance
policy (without his consent and against his will) and that Jim can piggy back
on his father’s car and home owners insurance for a deduction! All-State later audited
Jim’s policy, charged him for the deduction and charged Jim for the policy
change to his policy to provoke and discredit Jim while chipping away at his
resources in a typical setup and smear! Jim’s Dad used to make Jim take used
items back for him all the time at Walmart before Jim found out they track
chronic customers that return items! It is all smoke and mirrors and many
stores purposely allow females, including minor girls, to walk like street
walkers in front of Jim near surveillance cameras to smear him and his dad says
Walmart hangs these pictures up and calls these customers Wal-Martians! They
have done this at many stores from the Ala Moana Mall in Southwest Honolulu all
the way to the east coast of Florida and up to the greater Philadelphia area!
Security staff often help Private Investigators build fraudulent cases at
stores, transportation vehicles and at places of employment, including Jim’s
employers in DE, WI, FL, PA, NJ, MD, and HI and most likely at the Bank of
Uganda in Africa! Believe it, it’s all smoke and mirrors and they often have
women and girls dress up like hookers and purposely make noises or ware very
strong perfume so the victim will look their way for a photo op smear at your
local stores! This is America in the third millennium and we are going to stop
them from victimize women by using them as sexual objects and from smearing and
victimize good men for vile criminals!
Attempts on my life making it look accidental since 1998
after the Ten Million Head Injury Fraud: Sleeping Disorder
Setup and Smear that is dangerous and disabling: Jim’s environments are
purposely made to be stuffy, hot and/or warm in the day with extreme heat in
the evening making him fall asleep and freezing cold and with noise at night waking
him up to disrupt his sleeping patterns which is very dangerous while driving
because it makes you tired in the day! Heat at work at CRS, Certainteed, BP,
Pinnacle (lower DE plant only but a serious setup and a serious attempt in the summer
of 2003), Lear in DE, ICI in DE, Carol Hockman (CH), Core Source, A Company (Penrose
I Think) in Philly, and Corning/Manpower in Ohio but NOT at TWC (HI) or
Vatullic (PA)! Extreme cold started at Johnsville Naval Air Station called NADC
in 1983 to get Jim to quit and go full-time at medical mafia controlled
Abington Memorial Hospital in PA (AMH)! Other extreme cold that injured Jim was
at Certainteed, Carol Hockman (hot and cold extremes) and TWC (HI) where his
damaged right shoulder (broken with metal screws in it) seized up and the cold
was extreme and was purposely directed at Jim’s broken shoulder severely
injuring and disabling him (it has never been as good since)! These work and
home environments are setup and planned and Jim rarely has control of the
temperature! Starting in 2001, Jim countered these temperature extremes by
bringing in fans and space heaters and he has witnessed many coworkers falling
asleep in his offices since he started bringing in fans at Lear in DE! PI’s use
more sophisticated methods and techniques, especially at hotels and at places Jim
stays at including the family home! In Claymont, DE in 2007, a Gay PI and
female Activist would wake up in the night and turn the air-conditioning up so
high that Jim would wake up in severe pain while they smoked outside around 3
AM every night! Many similar things happened like a broken window in his room
that the landlord would not replace in the Winter, turning off heat in the
middle of the night and then the electricity so Jim’s space heater would not
work, sabotaging his space heater, sabotaging the blower, heater and/or air in Jim’s
vehicles (it just happened again in 2014 with the air compressor), etc.! It is
really bad and the Police refuse to help Jim or even take a report destroying
the evidence paper trail! They were and still are trying to break Jim and get him
to kill his involved 82 year old Dad while Jim’s sister (moved 8/4/13) was safe
with weapons and she often had a PI upstairs to protect them if Jim ever snapped
from the severe harassment and stress! God is Jim’s strength and has protected him
from death and violence for fifty years! From 10/2010 to 5/2013 the sleep
deprivation, freezing cold temps (winter), and severe harassment were so severe
that Jim is convinced he will never snap and become violent because these
professionals did their very worst and Jim withstood it so he can RAT OUT their
severe child abuse and corruption! They were doing road construction on the 202
Parkway surrounding all sides of the property and is all Jim’s sister, her
family and his father had to do was take turns waking Jim up between 7 PM to 7
AM six days a week and the road construction noise and impromptu related
specialty work would prevent Jim from napping in the day for over two years
(until 12/2012). From 12/2012 to 5/2013 they bought padded dumbbells and would
crash them on the floor 24/7 when Jim tried to sleep while he was forced to
sleep in a freezing cold room but God gave Jim the strength to endure! They
stole around 20K from Jim’s SSD checks out of the mail and claimed they were
poor and did not even buy him a decent space heater while Jim was in severe
pain and the Police, DA, Social Security (SS) and FBI have the transaction
evidence and refuse to do anything forcing Jim to stay in Bucks County as SS
has threatened to cut off his life line monthly SSD checks! They wanted Jim to
kill his trader of a father but his dad is just a greedy pawn that sold his
soul for a couple of Cadillac’s and not an ultra-vile hardcore root criminal
like his mother and sister Laura are that plan child corrupting and
endangerment setups! Many members of Jim’s family are opportunistic criminals
and would not participate with the hardcore criminals like his Mother, Great
Aunt Inez, Sister Laura and youngest brother Dave are doing! If the DA, Police or
Courts would say stop committing these crimes about 90% of the corrupt family
and Activists would stop using their children in our guestimation especially if
they made an example out some of the worst abusers! Their negative criminal
actions involving children and endangerment to the innocent public keeps
escalating because they know that they are above the law and that their
organized criminal leaders posing as Lawyers control the Police, DA and Courts in
many areas of the USA and that’s a fact!
Jim will let God
deal with these criminals in the end but he will fight to stop them in a
peaceful manor forever! Jim’s involved brother Mark, that graduated from West
Point with Honors (lol), calls him Tuff Guy but most people call Jim the nicest
person they ever met or TOO NICE! Jim does yell back at child corrupting family
scum while trapped in the house or in the car while being purposely provoked
and worked over but he very rarely yells at Hate Activists in public (unless he
is injured, illegally drugged and/or startled)! Jim can almost always walk away
and withstand most of the harassment but if he is trapped, drugged, tired, and/or
in serious pain Jim may yell back on occasion but never become physically violent
but is often smeared that way while the conspirators always play the victim! In
2003, when Jim protested an Abuse Group candlelight rally for A Woman’s Place
(AWP), he was severely attacked by several Abuse Nazis and the Police said that
they could not walk a day in Jim’s shoes as they watched damaged souls commit
crimes against him and refused to take a report! Jim will bear his cross for
these innocent children and men until the day he dies! Jim gets very angry when
he has to recall the sexual child abuse and endangerment, especially when the
Police and authorities like Prosecutors and Educators refuse to look at the
evidence or investigate! Jim has begged for a polygraph test countless times
about any event in his entire life because Jim is that good! His sins are minor
and any destruction or violence incidents in his life were manufactured, most
likely while he was illegally drugged, severely harassed and/or provoked while
in pain! Jim protects everybody that he believes is in danger but since late
2009 he has stopped getting involved because of so many staged incidents
involving women are designed to smear him as being involved sexually with these
women! Jim does not destroy or become physically violent but if he is violently
attacked and severely drugged he has thrown a retaliatory punch twice in
self-defense but he mainly just blocks punches! 99.9% of the time Jim defuses
people that attack him and JIM HAS NEVER THROWN A FIRST PUNCH except in boxing
in gym class! God is Jim’s strength and Jesus is his role model and even though
Jim falls short on occasion, Jim is an All-American man being professionally
smeared and he does not know anybody that could withstand these crimes
committed against him since he was six and still be so good, positive and
decent! Jim’s closest sibling Mark was severely corrupted (owned) by the age of
six and their sick mother Janet used drugs and manipulation to make him violent
and to modify his behavior! These drugs did not work on Jim as effectively and he
thinks it may be because of his enormous size and body weight. Jim was about a
foot taller than and twice as heavy as Mark as a prepubescent child and the
drugs may not have been as effective with the child dosage his mother illegally
gave the boys! Mark could not help Jim stop the Conspirators even if he wanted
to because he would be destroyed but Jim is still clean and good after 50 years
of attempted corruption and it is definitely God and Jesus protecting him!
Believe it! Bad food designed to make Jim fat and
damage his health: Started by his mother at birth and she did it to his Dad,
brother Mark, and sister Lynne to control them and to limit their options! She
purposely made Jim’s other two siblings into severe substance abusers like her
so she could control them! She taught and instructed his ARRANGED English wife
Christine how to sabotage his diet by fast foods, fattening foods, and by
purposely pushing her unfinished food towards Jim after a bite or two! Chris
admitted it three times in 1989 and Jim tried to leave her but did not because
she faked a mental (fraud) condition (depression)! She hurt Jim’s daughter
Michelle by buying bad foods intended for Jim and they moved to Florida in 1988
to get the family healthy! In Florida Jim’s wife was trying to provoke a
divorce for mommy dearest who recruited her as a 14 year old in England which
makes that international sex trafficking of minors! Believe it, his sick mother
was pen pals with the sick mother that adopted Chris since WWII and who is part
of the Social Services Activist network in the UK which still harasses and
smears Jim via the internet! In 2002, Jim
was purposely injured by orchestrated incidents twice on I-95 in GA and they
drugged him with meds that made Jim very stiff with severe pain after that so
Lear (in Newark, DE) would have an excuse to replace (illegally fire) him! Lear
purposely left 2 Computer positions unfilled to severely work Jim over while he
was the only IT person at the Newark Plant which was allocated for three Computer
Staff Members and they were dangerously working him over 24/7 when he lived 68
miles away! Jim’s Dad purposely sabotages his diet when he had little to no
money between 10/2002 to May of 2013 but when Jim got SSD money against his
will, he still puts temptations out for Jim like Hungry Man Turkey with high
carbs and sugar, burritos, brats, cheese, deli meats, pies, etc.! All the food
he bought for Jim was the very worst kind like family size Encore and Banquet
frozen dinners and brats, hotdogs, sausages, bread, ice cream, chips, crackers,
etc. His dad hurt Jim’s nieces Lea and Gina with pies, chips, processed foods,
starches and other trans fats meant for Jim! The extreme stress created by
family and activists creates cortisol hormones which prevent weight loss and
the lack of sleep causes weight gain too while weakening Jim’s immune system! Jim
got up to 445 lbs. in late 2002 with a 62 to 64 inch waist because of the very bad
food he was forced to eat, lack of sleep and severe stress. Sleep deprivation
causes a victim not to be able to exercise and only sit and watch TV at its
worst when the victim has less than 5 hours of sleep a day! This has been done
to disable Jim consistently since 1998 but sleep deprivation really purposely
started in August of 1980 to agitate Jim while making him tired and shorter
tempered as planned for the character smear campaign! It was also very
dangerous while driving to school and work, especially when Jim was made to
work on the second and third shifts for five years from 1981 to 1986. Jim is
still purposely woken up if he tries to nap like today three times (2/7/14) but
this has been done off and on since 1980 on purpose which is life threatening
when a victim drives! Jim has reinjured his right shoulder and lower back from clearing
massive amounts of snow, chipping ice and living in a cold room and he needed
more rest these past six months with all the medical frauds and insurance
frauds that have been purposely orchestrated to drain and discredit him while
building a false incompetence alibi by the Medical Mafia! Jim has been severely
worked over with insurance frauds and medical frauds since October 2013 and made
to suffer severe lack of sleep at key times when purposely woken up since
8/2008 at the family home in Chalfont, PA. Jim has had better sleep since my
vile sister Laura left on Aug 4th, 2013 but it is still very disruptive at key
times as planned! Bad food and lack of sustained sleep has damaged Jim’s health
along with severe physical injuries and the lack of money for quality healthcare
and quality food since October of 2002 which continues to be an issue today but
to a lesser degree since he got SSD in May of 2013! Illegal Drugging
of Victims since 1963 by Janet, PI’s and Activists: To smear, manipulate and control victims,
Lawyers with their Private Investigators (PI’s) and the Activists they control
illegally drug victims! Mark, James and Jim were illegally drugged periodically
since 1963 when Jim’s father James planned to leave his vile mother! She wanted
to smear him as abusive and amphetamines are used in a cocktail of drugs to
make the victim appear aggressive, violent and any other condition that they
desire! Children are often drugged to create realistic smear file data and to
make it appear the kids are being damaged! Jim’s three youngest siblings were
born into this conspiracy where she could shape them but Mark and Jim had 3.5
to 5 great years of normal childhood! Jim was groomed as his mother’s original
caretaker and later replaced by his sister and best sibling Lynne but she is a
distant second that has severely endangered her child and allowed other sick
females to use their minor female children in sexual ways because of female
hate peer pressure! Jim and Lynne were instilled with superior values but Lynne
has been severely corrupted and controlled by these female hate activists and
never had Jim’s exposure to Christianity (mainly through Jim’s paternal
grandma) and Sports which also helped Jim develop character! Jim’s mother’s
archenemy, his paternal grandma, groomed Jim as her caretaker too which caused
the family feud and was the initial motive for all the destruction! Jim’s mother
Janet blamed his grandma Mary for breaking up her marriage in retaliation for
taking baby Jim away from her when she demanded that they move out of Mary’s
small apartment complex because she said grandma Mary was stealing Jim away
from her which may have been true! Since that time, Jim is 100% sure that his paternal
Grandma, Dad, brother Mark, daughter Michelle, granddaughter Tiffany and Jim
were illegally drugged to build his mother’s smear files but all the others
have helped her for her money and/or because of family and activist peer
pressure! Jim will never sell out because they endanger and hurt countless kids
over the past 50 years and have corrupted many decent people, including many
government employees in the Courts, DA, Police, etc.! Female hate groups drug
men and kids in divorce cases on a wide scale in the USA and the Police let
them do it in many areas of the Country! Kids are indoctrinated into the female
hate world and they are often assigned friends and spouses from these involved
groups! Believe it! They have behavior modifying drugs that will cause a victim
to act any way they desire including aggressive, violent, dazed, sexually
stimulated, copycat behavior, tried, in pain, soar, crying, laughing, sad,
confused, etc. They often drug a victim with a cocktail of drugs and put the
victim under tremendous stress or use setup questions to see what they can come
up with! Jim has been in countless car wrecks since June of 1973 at age 16
because of being illegally drugged and these crimes have happened in Canada,
Western Europe and Africa too! One of the worst illegal drugging’s was in 1995
in London with Jim’s young English nephew of around nine and they almost
crashed many times while both of them could not stop talking fast and they are
not blood related for a medical alibi! In 1997, Jim was drugged and had close
calls in France and Switzerland plus in Africa in 1991 on his rented motorcycle!
In 1976 Jim almost killed his most involved cousin and three of his assigned
friends (2 were kids of involved Police families (Green/Bird) and the other was
the child of a Social Service activist)! Jim tried to go down a huge hill (Elbron)
without putting on the breaks and that is what these drug can do to a victim!
Many of Jim’s assigned friends from DE in HS were injured because he was being
illegally drugged and allowed to drive which still happens today! Between sleep
deprivation and being illegally drugged, many states had residents at high risk
but mostly in greater Philly and in Central Florida! Jim drove all the way to
Seattle in 2005 to get a job and he was drugged and deprived of sleep many
times from PA to Seattle, back to Ohio and down to FL and back up to PA! It is
so dangerous and Jim has the scars to prove it!!! So many people know from former
friends, coworkers and classmates from Delaware to Seattle and down to central
FL. The Police refuse to investigate because the Lawyers, Organized Criminals
and/or Activists control, influence, manipulate and/or corrupt key high ranking
Law Enforcement personnel usually when they have been seduced or illegally
drugged and thus raped! They target Police Chiefs and insinuate the Chiefs are
punishing Jim because of the FALSE Wilmington PD POLICE Chief Reagan smear in
1974 severely endangering his ADOPTED niece when she was drugged and sexually
posed for a photo op smear when the PI’s created a huge crash that illegally
drugged Jim frantically ran to investigate! Believe it, and they use this FALSE
smear and several others to manipulate Police to smear, harass and/or obstruct
Jim while refusing to protect him with many assaults and injuries committed
against 100% innocent Jim! Smears and Corruption: Sexual (false)
smears started intensely in 1974 with young girls (early 1974 with the Police
Reagan girl when she was about 9), bondage (late 1972 Harwanko/Outten at AI
HS), and black girls with an attempted rape in May of 1976 at Sanford! Black
girl smears started in late 1974 at AI HS (Smith/Bacon)! Jim’s brother Mark was
purposely sexually corrupted by age 6 with manipulation and drugs and mommy
dearest had the babysitter expose herself to Mark and Jim several times but Jim
was not interested in girls until he was 12 by the grace of God! Since she
could not sexually corrupt Jim as a prepubescent child, like she did to all of
his other siblings, the witch tried to have him sexually damaged at 10/11 years
old when she manipulated or paid Doctors she worked with to mutilate Jim’s
urethra making it very painful to urinate for months if not a year and this
fact can be proven. To attempt to sexually corrupt Jim his sick mother made him
play with a girl in 1964 (6/7) and she started teaching him how to play Doctor
before he stormed off refusing to play with her again as mommy dearest later and
repeatedly teased Jim about marrying her! Mark was playing Doctor by age 6 and
a bondage version of Doctor by age 8 with clothes pins and clothes lines! He
was raped by a mentally handicapped woman mommy dearest purposely brought home
in 1970/71 when he was 12 but Jim was too big, religious and strong to get
raped until he was severely drugged at 19.5 at Florida Southern College (FSC) by
a Bull Lesbian Basketball Player after he was pressured to drink a ½ of a glass
of wine! Jim drifted in and out of a unconscious and semi-conscious state while
these female hate activists made this 18 year old Bull Lesbian rape Jim when
she had zero interest in him! She was severely pressured into doing the job
like all these females are pressured to do and the LGBT community may have the
most peer pressure to endure because most have had to leave their families and
childhood friends to live their lifestyles and they cannot risk losing their
new support system! Lawyers, Doctors, Police, Female Activists, Jewish
Activists and the Good Ole Boy KKK all have extremely aggressive and intense peer
pressure to endure as well but LGBT, Lawyers, Doctors and the Police
respectively, seem to have the most peer pressure and they will be cast out,
shunned and/or destroyed for going against their groups! Two girls, around
16, were made to attempt to rape Jim in 1976 at Sanford (DE) while he was severely
drugged, including the VP/Coaches daughter and by an All-American black
cheerleader forced by educator activists but both attempts failed! Jim was in a
severe car crash with the VP/Coach daughter’s attempted rape because he was severely
and illegal drugged and allowed to drive to Sanford (DE) from the Shipley
School (PA) where VP Hoffman was promoted for his dirty deeds against Jim at
Sanford by the Teachers Union in PA which is controlled by the Democratic Party
which is influenced by key members of Jim’s powerful family, Female Activists
and the Jewish Mafia! Jim’s Grandpa the Mayor got Jim’s Mother, Father James, paternal
Uncle and his ruthless Great Aunt Inez teaching jobs in Cincinnati and the
Mayor had the power to place his sister Inez in Jim’s Dad’s school to spy on
him around 1964! His Aunt Inez had connections to Upper Moreland (PA) Schools
that father James was placed in around July of 1973 which is controlled or
strongly influenced by the Jewish Mafia that also controls Jim’s former
employer Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH)! In fact, the Jewish Mafia in the
northern Philly region, which Jim loving calls the Upper Moreland Mafia, has
influence in many schools in Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Temple U (including
staff in Africa), Penn (including grads in Africa) and at Florida Southern
College (FSC) through Frank Lloyd Wight (FLW) architecture, where Jim was
purposely placed at in 9/1976 where he was severely worked over by the KKK and
female/LGBT activists! Believe it! The Upper
Moreland Mafia claims that they influence Joe Biden by influencing and
manipulating Upper Moreland grad Jill Jacobs Biden and Jim 100% believes them
because they used several Upper Moreland female grads to manipulate, smear,
corrupt, and/or sexually assault Jim with one attempted rape while Jim was severely
and illegally drugged in 1977 by the involved Police Eddis family. Jim’s powerful
Democratic family had a strong relationship with Joe Biden starting around late
1974 when his brother Mark was being prepared to go to West Point which
occurred in June of 1976. Mark was appointed by Biden in a probable political favor
which has been worth over $1,300,000 to three members of Mark’s family! That is
how it is often done in politics, a political favor for a reciprocal favor in
the future or for a campaign contribution! These organized criminals try to get
their meat hooks into powerful people or people they want to control like Jim
and they parade attractive women and girls that they control or influence like UM
Grads Jill Jacobs Biden, Dottie Eddis, Susan Freeman, etc. in front of men they
want to influence until the male victim becomes interested in one of the exploited
women! Next they use the female to influence and manipulate the male victim, like
Jim’s assigned wife Chris did to him, which has happened to Jim countless times
in his life! You would not believe the power of suggestion and the fact that
the Upper Moreland Mafia has a strong relationship with Jill Biden from very
involved Mrs. Jean Morris from what Jim has been told along with others former
UM Educators and the fact that Jill is an Educator and very interested in
Special Needs children which is often funded by the medical mafia, so Jim
believes that they have at least some kind of influence because this is their
MO! Also from 1973 to 1975, Jim was purposely pitted against Archmere HS by a
corrupt referee named Peanuts Riley that may be related to the daughter-in-law
(Jeannie Riley Brown) of the former involved President of Hercules W. C. Brown.
Jim was purposely misquoted in the paper by a reporter after two games as a
Junior and Senior insinuating that the Archmere players were dirty which he did
not say! The conspirators use this type of setup and smear to pit victims
against powerful people that they want to manipulate and use and when Joe Biden
came to speak at AI HS in the first quarter of 1975, he made Jim stand up and teased
him about his (inaccurate) Archmere comments in front of 300 students! Jim
thought Biden was just teasing him at the time about not liking his old HS but
now he thinks the comments were made because Biden was manipulated into believing
that Jim hated his school thus manufacturing a reason for him to help them! It
sounds petty but this is their MO and they always manufacture a false reason to
smear or harm a victim! They also claim to have used or had influence over
Politicians like Senator Roth of Delaware that was associated with Hercules
when Hercules people like the Reagans and the Browns were helping them so it
may be true! They do use powerful politicians like AWP supporter Cathy Watson
and they claim to have influence with other powerful Politicians like AWP
supporter Alison Swartz and Upper Moreland Grad Greenleaf who Jim thinks he
voted for once! Jim is not sure what influence they really have over these
politicians but he saw them control two Court Clerks that he worked for and
they made Jim believe that they used powerful female politicians in the Orlando
area including Orange County Fran Pignoti and Orlando Mayor Glenda Hood that
was the ultimate authority at the City of Orlando when Jim worked there! They
have proven to Jim over and over that they can manipulate, influence, corrupt,
and /or control just about anybody and they have methods for getting to people and
with men it usually involves very attractive women like Jill Biden but they
could be lying or exaggerating their claims too! You never know with the Upper
Moreland Mafia that is as corrupt an organization of criminals as Jim has ever
seen in his life and they put the KKK influenced Good Ole Boys to shame when it
comes to corruption and ruthlessness! Believe it! We need politicians
like Joe Biden and Chris Coons to help us stop them and Jim thinks Chris loves and
cares about black people because he went to Kenya to help people which is a
great sign plus his is Irish like Biden and both should care about Irish
children associated with Police and Fire families! Chris is a Volunteer Fireman
in Delaware and lives in Hockessin and maybe he can help HVFD if there are
still corruption of minor issues and corruption of young male issues there like
was the case in 1972-1975! Jim saw Chris at a Sanford sporting event in 2014
but he did not want to approach him and possibly traumatize hundreds of
children at the matches with upsetting details, especially if Chris became
uncaring after being feed a pack of lies which would have most likely escalated
into a loud and graphic argument! Jim hopes Chris is a good man and that Coons
and Biden will help once they get the true facts! Biden was Jim’s JFK (political
hero) that he really believed in and Jim’s second favorite politician only
behind his Grandpa the Mayor that started this conspiracy! Jim tried to contact
Biden twice between 2006 and 2008 but he did not get a reply but instead had Biden’s
Tonight Show interview with Leno repeatedly replayed on his cable TV by PI’s saying
how proud Biden was of his trained Profession as a Lawyer which upset Jim after
seeing what he has witnessed since 1992 when Jim witnessed massive Judge
Shopping and severe Obstruction of Justice not to mention the many traitors
posing as Lawyers in the Medical Mafia! If Jim ever gets the chance he will
tell Biden about his experiences with manipulative hardcore criminals that are
posing as Lawyers since 1972 so he knows the facts from an All-American victim
of Lawyers! If Joe Biden is only a fraction of the man Jim idolized from 1973-76
he will help us stop this severe child corruption and endangerment of minors and
Jim will be forever in his debt! Jim does not
judge people involved until he gets to tell them the true facts because the
Conspirators are master manipulators with unlimited resources and influence and
they can trick anybody, even Jim at times and Jim is expecting setups and
frauds from them plus Jim knows their MO! They are that manipulative and vile
and at the very minimum they need to stop corrupting and endangering children,
mentally handicapped people and innocent men in divorce cases while severely
endangering the public! The theft of America is the secondary issue but it is
destroying our Country by making us weaker financially so it is very important
too! The attempted rapes in HS in 1976 were to
make it appear Jim impregnated girls and damaged them like they did the next
summer with his English ex-wife (successful making Jim marry her) and a
coworker (failed) from an Irish Police family with an English War Bride mother!
To this day they parade white adults (mainly women) with black children in
front of Jim to try to provoke him in racial hate crimes making the black child
feel inferior which infuriates Jim! NEW FLASH, they just did this today 3/7/14
on purpose making the white woman and black girl stand in front of Jim’s Greek
Yogurt cups that he buys every time he goes to Walmart (they study Jim’s habits)!
There is absolutely no reason to involve a child and the woman was a female
hate activist trying to provoke Jim and gave him the evil eye while blocking Jim
from my items. They pit males against violent females and racists including
Good Ole Boys (many KKK) and the Irish dominated Police that have had a rivalry
with Blacks migrating to the north since the 1850’s according to Jim’s involved
Race Relations Professor! Professor Albright was biracial, a former Law
Enforcement Officer at FDLE and a WWII military man that freed Holocaust Survivors
(married one) and fought to found modern day Israel! Today they still use black
girls, black women and young girls to smear and threaten Jim with harm and
intimidation and many criminal activists have injured innocent Jim since 1974
because of this false and life threatening smear! They often make black girls
appear with white (one Asian) adults appearing as their parents trying to
harass and provoke Jim but they make these black children and black women feel
inferior as smear material in the process! Many of these black females know why
they are being used and it infuriates Jim because it is a severe hate crime
against black females and the black race! They started using mentally
handicapped females to expose themselves and flirt with Jim in 2006 and the
Police will not stop them in Wilmington and in Southeastern, PA! Jim has never
had intercourse with a minor, black female or mentally handicapped female but
they are trying to create hate material and to corrupt Jim to incite hate and
obstruct Jim! Jim would rather die than to hurt a minor, especially a
prepubescent minor or a mentally handicapped person! All four women Jim has had
intercourse with have been stone cold rapes on the first occasion while he was
illegally drugged (severely 3 times) but Jim has been able to prevent several
close call attempted rapes since May of 1976 and maybe since 1974! Jim has
never solicited a prostitute but they have sent countless prostitutes at him since
High School in 1975! Jim has been sexually assaulted but primarily sexually
harassed by several prostitutes for the false smear campaigns and he was almost
raped in Kenya by a PI and a probable black prostituted in 1991 after he was
severely drugged! Prostitutes were over 92% HIV positive in East Africa in 1991
and that was a life threatening attempted rape and sexual assault that Jim’s
extended family were 100% aware of! Jim has begged for a polygraph test from
countless Police Staff and the DA but they refuse! Jim is 100% innocent and his
schoolmates, coworkers, many members of Law Enforcement and family know it and
can be polygraphed too! Their only hope is to discredit Jim as delusional if
they are ever exposed and that is why the Lawyers in the Medical Mafia have
purposely pitted Jim against Doctors at AMH and WPH (Winter Park Hospital) that
changed medical records in the $10,000,000 Head Injury and Seizure Fraud! Every
time Jim goes to AMH or an AMH Doctors Office his Dad keeps mentioning Dr.
Stephen Beara as a threat while the Doctors usually give Jim the evil eye! They
did the same with Dr. Kahn and Sindusandu in FL at WPH! These female hate activists tried to get Jim
to have sex with very young girls in HS while he was illegally drugged but Jim
is a Christian and God stepped in and prevented it or gave him tremendous will
and strength to walk away while his atheist brother Mark could not! Mommy
dearest sexually damaged and corrupted all Jim’s siblings and many of cousins
and friends to smear, corrupt and control them! Jim’s daughter Michelle was
purposely sexually corrupted at age 15 with her assigned and involved friends
(watching the Playboy Channel to smear and provoke Jim) and she had his
granddaughter Tiffany at age 16! The baby killers were mad at her for hiding
her pregnancy for over seven months (thank God) because they wanted to murder
baby Tiffany to hide their crimes against children! They sexually corrupted so
many of Jim’s extended families classmates using minors to sexually manipulate
key children in their lives so Janet can control them! Many friends from School
know what was going on and it is still going on in local schools involving Jim’s
nieces! Jim would rather die than damage a child, mentally handicapped female
or even a young woman and that is what separates him from most the other
victims! They have damaged Jim’s health, severely smeared him and even
corrupted him to minor degrees at times in his life with peer pressure and by illegally
drugging Jim but he always wrights the ship and they will never ever get Jim’s
soul! The worst thing you can do as a Christian is corrupt a child (Mathew
18:6) and it has been deeply ingrained in Jim’s soul from a very early age and
that is why he is so disgusted with these child abusing criminals! Smeared against the most involved groups: Female hate activists posing as Teachers started smearing
Jim in first grade with Mrs. Johnson corrupting a manipulative and bossy girl
in 1963/64! Jim’s mother Janet plays the victim and activist Teachers help her
smear, corrupt and/or control her children and many of their teachers have
helped her, especially Females, LGBT and males associated with Sports,
Administration and Special Education! Gay male Teachers by late 1967 at Lake Hills Elementary
(Bellevue, Wash) but maybe in early 1966 with a pedophile voyeur teacher that befriended,
smeared, and setup Jim’s Dad James and who took Mark and Jim to the YMCA in
1966-67 when James fled to Seattle! Janet reminded Jim about the huge fight the
gay teacher had with his wife in the family house when she accused him of going
to the YMCA to look at naked boys! They often use closet gay males to befriend
straight male victims because they have a cocktail of drugs including
amphetamines that allow them to father children which can also be used to have
the male victim raped or smeared as violent! The LGBT Activists team with the
Female Hate Activists because the Lesbians fight for both causes and they have
more strength with more activists fighting together! The Female and LGBT
alliance is by far the largest and most powerful Activist Group worldwide and
that is why Organized Criminals like Lawyers use them and so do the FBI and
other Governments! They are that powerful and that organized and even J. Edgar
Hoover used them as far back as the 1930’s! No decent LGBT or Female Activist
would allow child corruption or public endangerment for their causes and we
need good activists from the left and right to help us at MadDogsUSA.COM stop
child corruption and public endangerment!
Lesbian Teachers by 1972 at AI DuPont HS (DE) with both
female PE Teachers and a Reading Teacher! Also at Sanford with two female
Teachers involved with sports and a young lesbian eighth grader who was about
16 because she was held back twice! They made the LGBT girl flirt with Jim and
she got expelled for having a lesbian affair in the dorms a few weeks later
after they sexually corrupted her! They made the 22 year old LGBT PE
Teacher/House Mother walk in on Jim in the Men’s shower traumatizing middle
school boys going through the change! They made her expose herself to Jim in
the weight room with many minor girls present! Jim’s involved Sanford
Basketball teammates were trying to get Jim to have sex with her but she had a
cold sore and Jim did not want to get herpes or have sex with her getting her
pregnant. Jim was tempted because he preferred older and developed women over
developing girls because he was corrupted at 12 being purposely exposed to
Playboy by children of an Educator that worked at a local HS in greater
Seattle! What developing girl can compete with Playboy models? None, in some
strange way Jim’s corruption with Playboy at age 12 may have helped him resist
girls his age in HS and prepubescent girls because Jim has zero sexual
attraction to prepubescent girls and far less attraction to developing girls or
underdeveloped women, especially females with short hair and/or that are built
like young boys (no curves)! They also hired a 22 year old Gay male teacher in
late 1975 at Sanford for the second trimester! He gave Jim an A and was one of his
favorite teachers! In the third trimester the criminal activist educators made
him make advances towards Jim and Jim just ignored him but he got more
aggressive as the year end got closer! Jim was 6’5” and 205 lbs and he just
walked away and ignored him but the Gay Teacher gave Jim a C in retribution! A
year later at FSC Jim’s Gay English Teacher gave him a D in the second semester
because he said Jim was missing class while playing basketball for the College
Team! He was trying to provoke an incident to smear Jim as anti-gay like the
Gay son of a Minister did around the same time along with Jim’s teammate that
is now a Southern Baptist Minister! He said Jim could not be learning while
missing class so he would have to lower his grade one grade! Jim started crying
like a baby because he was severely drugged and Jim remembered the Professor instructed
him to eat breakfast early and not to skip breakfast before meeting with him
before class! Jim’s brother Mark even admitted that Jim was being illegally
drugged at Florida Southern College (FSC) in 2011 in front of his minor son
Mark Jr. who is now at West Point! Jim knows he was illegally drugged before
they dropped in unannounced and Mark severely endangered his minor son for no
reason! Jim rarely acts negatively in front of children even when severely provoked
and even when he is illegally drugged because children are sacred to him as a
Christian (Jesus loves the little children)! The love of children was ingrained
in Jim via the teachings of Jesus and maybe by Gods divine intervention and
being a great role model as an All-State Basketball player in HS is what Jim
cherished the most about his time in HS! Jim will never forget the many kids
that were in awe of his dunks and wanted his autograph as Jim dominated like no
other player before him at AI! Jim cherished being a positive anti-drug role
model and an example of what you can do with desire and a tremendous work ethic
while winning the Hustle Award in College while competing against highly
completive scholarship athletes.
The anti-Irish smears starting in 1972 when Jim’s mother Janet
and his paternal Aunt Sally started making negative comments against Catholics
(90% of his grandpa’s City were Catholic), especially the Irish then German!
Irish was the best thing you could be in the Western Hills section of
Cincinnati as the dominate group along with German Catholics and only 10% were
ethnic Protestants, mostly Southerners like 5/8 of Jim’s family were and mainly
from Appalachia like 3/8 of his family were from. Germans were looked down on a
bit because of recent WWI and WWII animosity and the worst thing you could be
called in the Westside of Cincinnati was and is a Hillbilly and 3/8 of Jim’s
family were from Appalachia, including his dad James and Grandma Mary who were
both born in Harrisonburg, VA! Irish was the very best group to be from and
they were purposely pitting Jim against the Irish dominated Police at age 14.5!!!
All of Jim’s best friends were Irish in Cincinnati and most of the family
friends were Irish too, including Jim’s second cousins! Jim has always had
Irish best friends and he was told his maternal family from Tennessee was Irish
until he was 25 when mommy dearest purposely told Jim he was Scotch Irish to
pit him against Irish Activists in Eastern PA at work (NADC and AMH). It all
makes since now but Jim has Irish roots on his paternal side and his second
cousins and one niece were raised Irish Catholic and he will always love the
Irish because of his very close connection with the Irish Catholic Community
since birth! When JFK Jr. was missing around 1999, Jim drove 120 miles round
trip to his favorite church in the world (St. Catherine’s in Delaware) to pray
for JFK Juniors safe return but Jim was rudely intercepted by a gay activist
that said he just graduated from seminary on the mainline and was an unassigned
Priest! He endangered two young Hispanic boys making them harass Jim with very strong
colon which is what activists often do using strong irritants like strong
soaps, perfumes and colons! To call Jim anti-Irish Catholic is a vile hate
crime and is the easiest to disprove with his Irish best friends since birth!
This smear was designed to pit Jim against the Irish Dominated Police and the
powerful Green Machine that his grandpa the Mayor was a part of and purposely
hid his Scotch Irish roots making people think he was half green Irish for
political gain! The Mayor was also part of the Jewish Mafia as a Judge as is
most of his family now while stealing the systems blind with the Medical Mafia!
You do not have to be ethnically Jewish to be in the Jewish Mafia or Russian
Mafia which is dominated by Soviet Jews! Jim’s Grandpa was a Dixiecrat too and
was part of the Good Ole Boy organized criminal network being from the border
City of Cincinnati with southern Tennessee roots where the KKK was founded! His
ruthless sister Inez was a Cheviot Councilwoman and female activist Educator
with ties to the LGBT community and the Upper Moreland schools in Willow Grove,
PA years before his Dad James was purposely placed there in the summer of 1973
and indoctrinated into the Upper Moreland Mafia, a spoke in the wheel of the
Jewish Mafia! Believe it! UM Schools, UM Parks and Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH)
are involved and Jim was made to work at all three starting when he was just 16
in 1973! Jim was purposely manipulated and even corrupted by two Irish girls
(one was from a Philly Police family that drugged and attempted to rape him in
1977) and one Jewish girl (a Law Enforcement Major at very involved Temple U)
that would get high and race around the trails of the park severely endangering
kids with Jim while Jim was illegally drugged. Many young kids were around the
park and she encouraged Jim to ride with her while he was illegally drugged!
She tried to get Jim to smoke pot with her but he faked it twice because of
intense pressure and Jim had a crush on her! Jim told her that he rarely smoked
(Jim never smoked pot) because it will hurt his lungs for basketball but she
was relentless so Jim faked it twice blowing out on her pipe for a photo op
smear! Jim used this method two other times under tremendous pressure and Jim
will take a polygraph test to prove it! Jim has never taken an illegal drug but
he has been illegally drugged countless times over the past 50 years! It is a
miracle that a child has not been killed but many have been injured including
children of these criminals! Some minors have been seriously injured, including
concussions, damaged knees, cuts, broken bones, etc. and one lady may have been
killed in 1983! KKK and Rednecks in late 1974 when they sent two Black girls
at Jim at AI DuPont HS to try to seduce him and both were on the volleyball
team and coached by very involved LGBT PE Teachers! In Jim’s last two weeks at
Sanford they made an All-American Black Cheerleader, Basketball Player and
controlled boarding student, try to rape Jim before he was purposely placed at Florida
Southern College (FSC) where the KKK marched openly in parades and severely harassed
Jim, even in Church! Jim’s Prom date, who he was in love with when the
attempted rape occurred, and her on again boyfriend (Jim’s third closest friend
who is now a Deputy Sherriff and the closet Gay son of two Jewish
Psychiatrists) was driving Jim’s car while the attempted rapes repeatedly
occurred while Jim was severely drugged! At FSC, they had the black girlfriend
of the FSC Captain stick her tongue down Jim’s throat on the last day of school
in his freshman year (4/1977) when she and a Lesbian involved with the Team
kissed the players goodbye for the summer! It still goes on today and they used
a 9th grade black girl, an adopted Chinese girl (mother is an Educator) and a
Jewish girl in 2012 associated with the CB South Volleyball Team to create
false sexual smear material ON SCHOOL GROUNDS at CB SOUTH! It hurts Jim the
most when they use black girls and black young women because it makes them feel
inferior in these racial hate crimes but that is what these white witches do
like Jim’s filthy mother Janet Gingerich Stephenson! She hates white men and
black women (she calls them 2fers) the most and she almost started a race riot
at a summer camp in 1959 and covered her racist ways by taking a picture of baby
Jim at age two kissing a black child! She put makeup on Jim’s infant brother Dave
around 12/1965 and accused the black female babysitter Reba of burning him with
a cigarette to vilify James for leaving her with racists in the extended family
and racist family friends! It gets so much worse when they sent Jim to Africa in
July of 1991 with a Temple U Professor and they disrespect black people so
badly and these white witches and Lawyers make Jim sick! Help Jim and
MadDogsUSA.COM stop these White Racist Witches and vile Lawyers because it
happens in church too and not just in the south!!! Jim now has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to child
endangerment, child corruption, corrupting the mentally handicapped and
disrespecting black people, especially black girls which seems to infuriate Jim
the most! Jim knows he should be infuriated the most by being illegally drugged
and/or deprived of sleep while purposely made to drive in sabotaged vehicles
but something about harming children and disrespecting black human beings touches
him deeply and Jim is upset and angry with these white witches, vile lawyers
and corrupt members of law enforcement that will not even protect their own
Irish and LGBT kids! If you will not protect your own kids who will you
protect? Men were put on this earth to protect and provide for children and
women and even today with many cultural changes that is what real men do! Rules
have changed but men have been given God given large muscles and physical
strength and it is still a real man’s duty to protect those who cannot protect
themselves! Women are blessed with being able to bare children and to be able
to nurse them and we both have to do our jobs the best way we can to produce
wonderful children and MadDogsUSA sees many problems and negative trends
destroying the modern family and both genders are involved! Any adult that
purposely corrupts or purposely harms a child is a vile criminal that needs
mandatory jail time and Parents, Teachers, Social Workers and Police need to be
held to the very highest degree of responsibility! Jim wants to sue the American Bar Association, Medical Mafia
and the child abusing Teachers Union and give the overwhelming majority of the
settlements to the involved groups that were damaged the most from this
Conspiracy and the people that help Jim and MadDogsUSA.COM expose these
criminals! Jim would like to help students with college scholarships at his
involved schools (Sanford and AI) and at other involved schools (McKean,
Delaware Black Schools, CB South, and Winter Park HS in FL), especially from
the most endangered groups (blacks, athletes (male and female of all
races/groups), cheerleaders, African Children (especially Aids Orphans in
Uganda and Kenya), orphaned Police and Firemen’s children and poor Soviet
Jewish Children that are discriminated against and despised (epically in the
Ukraine and in Russia)) partly because of the Soviet Jewish dominated Russian
Mafia. Jim loves all children and he has seen too much hate and destruction and
he wants to turn this negative into a positive! Please go to
WWW.AmSportsOrg.COM for more info and/or to donate any
amount you can spare ($1 or more via secure credit card) and share these
websites with friends via Facebook, twitter, email, etc.! Please help us force
Law Enforcement to stop these vile Lawyers and radical Activists! Jim is very
brave and is not afraid of them or even afraid of death but he is afraid of
selling out and becoming like these haters and child abusing scumbags thus
becoming dammed to hell! Jim will never sell his soul or turn his back on these
endangered kids so we beg you to at least force an investigation before more
families, minors and good men are destroyed by these organized and hateful
criminals! |
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